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1. Surpassing others; preeminent or supreme.
2. Lying beyond the ordinary range of perception: "fails to achieve a transcendent significance in suffering and squalor" (National Review).
3. Philosophy
a. Transcending the Aristotelian categories.
b. In Kant's theory of knowledge, being beyond the limits of experience and hence unknowable.
4. Being above and independent of the material universe. Used of the Deity.

tran·scen′dence, tran·scen′den·cy n.
tran·scen′dent·ly adv.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.transcendency - a state of being or existence above and beyond the limits of material experiencetranscendency - a state of being or existence above and beyond the limits of material experience
being, beingness, existence - the state or fact of existing; "a point of view gradually coming into being"; "laws in existence for centuries"
2.transcendency - the state of excelling or surpassing or going beyond usual limitstranscendency - the state of excelling or surpassing or going beyond usual limits
supremacy, domination, mastery - power to dominate or defeat; "mastery of the seas"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
A spy they will not suffer; a lover, a poet, is the transcendency of their own nature,--him they will suffer.
2) that pitted performer against author, playhouse against opera house, native taste against foreign style, and immediate response against the ideal of transcendency. Introducing foreign opera to London audiences often required revision, translation, and alteration ranging in degree from pastiche to what Fuhrmann considers more faithful adaptations (versions in which libretto and score remain largely in line with the original).
Nor do I think we are justified in calling nationalism the "religion of the present age." A virulent and operative creed, enclosing even a good deal of unreasonableness, need not be anything like a religion: the latter requires an element of cosmic reference, of superhuman afflatus, of mystical transcendency, experienced--though not perhaps formulated--as such.
the meaning of a human aspiration towards transcendency with a natural instinct from which appear (1) the most commonly experienced mark of the domination of individuals by an extraordinarily broad vital current; (2) to a certain extent the source of all affective potentiality; (3) and lastly an energy especially favorable to self-development, to the enrichment of the self in so many increasingly spiritualized ways and to the contemplation of such manifold objects, and notably of God himself.
A spy they will not suffer; a lover, a poet, is the transcendency of their nature,--him they will suffer" (CW 3, 15).
These vicissitudes in textual interpretation have been admirably surveyed by Delhey ("Views on Suicide"; "Vakkali") and don't require repeating here, but with a view to historical continuity it could be claimed that the earlier Poussin-Lamotte "transcendency hypothesis" (11) countered more recently by Keown, Harvey (291) and Young (71-130) could be said to be represented in even H.H.
hallelujah, a tiny bit of transcendency for the soul to put on
I'll cite two examples: first, the faux course proposed by a Professor of Spanish at Academic Council at Flinders University in 1972: Titled, 'The Philosophical, Social, Sexual and Artistic Transcendency of Tauromachy', the supposed course on the theory and practice of bullfighting was to be taught by 'Latin and Spanish migrants' whose 'lack of academic qualifications' were not to be regarded as a serious impediment (Sheridan 1998, 68).
While from technical viewpoint nature's ability to habitualize transcendency can be explained by the merger of theological, of scientific, and of aesthetic types of inspiration in the exegetical work, then the epistemic substructure of the whole schema reveals characteristics that should be inspected somewhat more closely.
Like Edward Hopper, who ignored the seismic contemporary art movements of his lifetime, Jacklin has been paintbrushing representational urban peoplescapes for the greater part of his 27 years here--works infused with a kindhearted curiosity and childlike transcendency. That he has chosen New York's teeming masses in summer and the ice skating winter motif as his subject matter connects him with numerous Western artists over the last half millennium who captured their own times and quotidian pursuits for posterity.
Yet, it is in this engagement with challenges of globalization that literary imagination can dynamically respond to one of our current era's urgent questions--how best to engage globalization critically through discourse with/narratives by scholars in the humanities--and that the transnational imaginaries which can facilitate our transcendency from bounded thinking--and hence a decolonization of the mind--become sites of contestation which we can creatively foster.