trade unionist

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trade union

A labor union, especially one limited in membership to people in the same trade.

trade unionism n.
trade unionist n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: unionist - a worker who belongs to a trade uniontrade unionist - a worker who belongs to a trade union
worker - a person who works at a specific occupation; "he is a good worker"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
عُضْوٌ في نِقَابَةعَضو في نِقابَة العُمّال
ammattiyhdistyksen jäsen
szakszervezeti tag
công đoàn viên

trade unionist

trades unionist n (Brit) → sindacalista m/f
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(treid) noun
1. the buying and selling of goods. Japan does a lot of trade with Britain.
2. (a) business, occupation, or job. He's in the jewellery trade.
1. (often with in or with) to buy and sell. They made a lot of money by trading; They trade in fruit and vegetables.
2. to exchange. I traded my watch for a bicycle.
ˈtrader noun
a person who trades.
ˈtrademark, ˈtradename nouns
an officially registered mark or name belonging to a particular company, and not to be used by anyone else, that is put on all goods made by the company.
ˈtradesman (ˈtreidz-) noun
1. a shopkeeper.
2. a workman in a skilled job. My husband cannot mend the television-set – I'll have to send for a tradesman.
trade(s) union
a group of workers of the same trade who join together to bargain with employers for fair wages, better working conditions etc.
trade(s) unionist a member of a trade(s) union (noun trade(s) unionism
trade wind
a wind that blows towards the equator (from the north-east and south-east).
trade in to give (something) as part-payment for something else: We decided to trade in our old car and get a new one ( noun ˈtrade-in)
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.

trade unionist

عُضْوٌ في نِقَابَة odborář fagforeningsmedlem Gewerkschaftler συνδικαλιστής sindicalista ammattiyhdistyksen jäsen syndicaliste sindikalist sindacalista 労働組合主義者 노동조합원 vakbondslid fagforeningsmedlem związkowiec sindicalista член профсоюза fackföreningsman สมาชิกสหภาพแรงงาน sendikacı công đoàn viên 工会成员
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in periodicals archive ?
COULD I use your columns to thank all those 2592 people across Coventry who voted last ursday for the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC), and especially the 974 people who were good enough to support me personally in St Michael's.
President Al-Bashir has lauded the great patriotic role being played by the trade unionist movement throughout Sudan history, indicating that the trade unionist was the spear-head in the struggle against colonization.
AS a trade unionist I was extremely interested in the article on the Cardiff Against the Cuts Campaign that has been launched by Cardiff Trades Council ("Unions join campaign to 'fight cuts", Echo, September 24).
Mr Lewis is keen to ensure every Labour member and trade unionist uses their vote and engages in the wider debate on the future of Wales.
The trade unionist and founder of the Labour party movement went to America in August 1895.
Nafie Ali Nafie, has lauded the role being carried out by the Sudanese trade unionist movement and its efforts for preserving the employee's rights.
Veteran trade unionist Francis Atwoli says in a new book that he told President Uhuru Kenyatta to sack his deputy William Ruto in 2014 to save the country and his legacy.
Enter Francis Atwoli, the abrasive trade unionist who has in recent weeks made headlines with his unrelenting broadsides against Deputy President William Ruto.
The Lower Criminal Court sentenced a well-known trade unionist to two years in prison in connection with a swindle case.
'The triangular temptation of money, women and booze are the most destructive temptation of all temptations that a trade unionist can go through.
LAHORE -- Trade Unionist and workers have urged the prime minister and National Assembly and Senate to stop the proposed privatization of public utilities like pia and Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM).
IT IS a long time since I last saw trade unionist Derek Robinson.

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