

(Animals) a dealfish or ribbonfish
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Incidence of semilooper, Autographa nigrisigna (Wlk.) and acridid Chrotogonus trachypterus (Blanchard) and an arctiid Spilosoma obliqua (Walker) as pests of minor importance on chickpea in India and Pakistan was reported by (Lal et al., 1981; Mahmood and Shah, 1984; Anonymous, 1984a; Mahmood et al., 1987; Deka et al., 1987b).
Observation revealed that monocrotophos mainly affected earlier stages of development in testes and ovaries of Chrotogonus trachypterus, which were severely damaged after a prolonged time, exhibiting contraction of ooplasm and nuclear membrane (Shakeet & Bakshi 2009).
trachypterus after monocrotophos treatment (Shakeet & Bakshi 2009).
rubescens (Walker, 1870), Acrida exaltata (Walker, 1859), Duroniella laticornis (Krauss, 1909), Truxalis eximia eximia Eichwald, 1830, Chrotogonus trachypterus trachypterus (Blanchard, 1836) and Poekilocerus pictus (Fabricius, 1775) occur in all districts, while majority of the other species were collected from fodder crops, herbs and shrubs.
Chrotogonus trachypterus trachypterus###Td###+###+###+###+
Observations on the mating and oviposition behaviour of Chrotogonus trachypterus Blanch.