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Related to toupe: postiche, toupee
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.toupe - a small hairpiece to cover partial baldnesstoupe - a small hairpiece to cover partial baldness
false hair, hairpiece, postiche - a covering or bunch of human or artificial hair used for disguise or adornment
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References in periodicals archive ?
Et dans cette diversite autant linguistique qu'esthetique, des spectacles ont particulierement retenu l'attention: ( Sabah Massae (Matin et soir) du Theatre Douz Tmasrah de Marrakech, Bilmaoune (L'homme aux peaux) de la Troupe Vies-Ages , Al Khalfa de la Toupe Anfass pour le Theatre et la Culture de Dakhla et Itsud 3Awed ( Il souffle encore ) de la Troupe Thifswin d'Al Hoceima, tous des spectacles diriges par des laureats de l'ISADAC.
His first was in the company of Frenchman David Toupe with a 21-11, 21-23, 23-21 win over Mohammad Ikhwan Ramli and Madzlan Saibon in the men's doubles WH1-WH2 category and the second was a 21-15, 21-11 win against Malaysia's Madzlan Saibon for the men's singles WH2 category gold.
Hell toupe It's Halloween soon, and if you're properly dedicated to celebrating you'll wear a costume, with a wig.
"'Keep your f***ing toupe on,' Main Man said, 'they'll never find the f***ing gear, alright?' "He was right.
That sparked rumours that he has invested in a very good toupe or had a hair transplant.
There is even brown, furry upholstery available as one of the several interior finishes - not to mention a crazy looking 'toupe' mat for the top of the dashboard.
There is even brown, furry upholstery available as one of the sev-v eral interior finishes - not to mention a crazy looking 'toupe' mat for the top of the dashboard.
Willis' appearance is at first disconcerting; with smooth features and a blond toupe, he looks about 35, and there is something just a little off about how Greer, Peters and others stare, don't register reactions immediately and move in ever-so-slightly abrupt ways.