topple down

Also found in: Idioms.
Related to topple down: topple off

w>topple down

viumfallen; (thing also)umkippen; (group of objects)runterpurzeln; (from chair, top of stairs etc) → herunterfallen; (+prep obj) → hinunterfallen; they all came toppling downsie kamen alle runtergepurzelt
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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The opposition should avoid dreaming to topple down the government, he said adding that the leaders of the opposition should return looted money despite criticising the national institutions.
The Sudanese Professional Association issued a statement late during the night expressing the opposition determination to topple down al-Bashir regime peacefully.
As per the West Minister system, the parliament is considered as the supreme body which holds the capacity to control the government and if needed the parliament can topple down the government
The PPP leader said all the conspiracies to topple down his government had failed and and he completed his tenure.
"They are all communists, Communist Party of the Philippines, it's raging a war and eventually you can connect them with the conspiracy to topple down government.
'As DILG chief, I categorically state that the loyalty of the PNP and all the uniformed members of our attached agencies are to the Constitution and the rule of law and we will not be a party to any illegal move to topple down the Duterte administration,' Ano said in a statement.
On Friday, the protests were held under the banner: "United to topple down the Deal of the Century".
A.Bhutto and the religious alliance managed to topple down a relatively secular Government in Pakistan.
-Var of a group of man trying to topple down a bull
He added before discussion over the issue had kicked off that the government's opponents would seek to topple down the government after it launched the tender.
NNA - Lebanese Forces head, Samir Geagea, ruled out that the US-led anti-IS coalition is aiming to topple down Bashar Assad's regime in Syria.
THE death of a motorist whose vehicle appeared to topple down a hill is not being treated as suspicious, police said.