topographic map

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top′ograph′ic map′

a map showing topographic features, usu. by means of contour lines. Compare contour map.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

topographic map

A map that presents the vertical position of features in measurable form as well as their horizontal positions. See also map.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in periodicals archive ?
OYO with ample knowledge in disaster prevention, MHIR the consultation professional, and Incubit the AI development expert, worked together to create an AI model that predicts possible Mudflows from topographic maps. The AI model was trained with topographic maps and result of the experts' readings of the same maps.
The Kopuku district, as it appears on the current topographic map in WAMS.
While the satellite's predecessor Formosat-2 took half a year to create a full topographic map of Taiwan, Formosat-5 was able to accomplish the same task within three months, from September to December of last year.
Comparative analysis of elevation data from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission and Topographic map with GPS: a steep slope test site.
In each test, the user saw a different region of the map with the proposition of the 3D topographic map with the basic proposition, and then he or she received instructions for the navigation task.
At a later stage, prior to data delivery, Intermap will also provide training to the client on the creation of topographic maps.
"NASA is working to combine the ASTER data with that of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission and other sources to produce an even better global topographic map," he added.
Look at a map of your area (a topographic map is best) to find the water closest to your home: a stream, river or lake where runoff from your roof would travel to.