tootle along

Also found in: Idioms.

w>tootle along

vi (dated inf)dahinzuckeln (inf); I’d better tootle along nowich zottele jetzt mal lieber ab (inf); I thought I’d tootle along to the party (inf)ich dachte, ich zottel mal mit zu der Party (inf)
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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"Well, I think I'll tootle along to the beach and have a dip."
I've never been in that position before, but if I live modestly, if I don't get a crazy, expensive hobby, I can just tootle along and just work when I want to.
Family tickets PS19.45 thelookoutdiscoverycentre JANUARY 31 Car fans should tootle along to the Vintage Sports Car Club Driving Tests event at Brooklands Museum in Weybridge, Surrey, to see prewar vehicles and watch drivers race against the clock.
"We're happy to tootle along in a two-litre diesel in a Formula One race.
Thank goodness that the ever-reliable Mrs Tyndale is there to calm and comfort me - when I have not gagged her as we tootle along in the car, of course.
Tour de France leader Froome enjoyed a rest day tootle along the seafront, with couples on tandems and tourists on Boris bikes in futile pursuit, after his Team Sky train was almost derailed in the Pyrenees.
It is the OAP drivers who tootle along at 30mph like Mr Magoo, totally oblivious to other traffic.
MY beloved and I have never shared a train journey and it was pleasant to tootle along looking out of the window at the scenery with no worries and the stresses of the wedding day behind us.
Not a lot of comfort to those who are content to tootle along with terrestrial and, more importantly, to those who simply can't afford to hook up to Mr Murdoch's cash cow.
But every now and again, I'd tootle along to Surrey barbeques and I'd see him. Fog again blankets Huddersfield but another warm sunny day in prospect And still one in five drivers tootle along without their lights on when visibility is poor.