tickler file

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tick′ler file`

a file set up to remind the user at appropriate times of matters that must be attended to.
[1795–1805, Amer.]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.tickler file - a file of memoranda or notices that remind of things to be done
data file, file - a set of related records (either written or electronic) kept together
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Attached is a CTPL best practice daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual tickler file.
Action files, such as a tickler file, to manage papers on a daily basis (see "Tickler File Hew-To" for more details)
Make a tickler file to reach out to your network to say hello and touch base.
Keep a paper or electronic "tickler file" for important follow-up issues.
Servicing dates should be kept in a tickler file so appointments can be made in a timely manner.
"In addition, the data management software that comes with the machine contains our entire Rolodex file of physicians, so that patients referred to another facility get a legible copy of the name, address, and phone number on a printed label that can be affixed to the lab sheets or tickler file," she said.
Organized to correspond to the academic year, this resource for current and aspiring elementary school principals provides a month- by-month "tickler file" designed to support their planning processes.
In this case, a tickler file would have sufficed--ie, a calendar or accordion file that contains individual reminders of tasks that need to be performed and the date they are required, such as the need to obtain results or to touch base about personal issues.
Date Place in tickler file Print and file in Write on to-do tickler or move to list or in tasks or calendar phone log or planner or create new tasks 5.
Maintain a simple tickler file, containing important dates--dates for action or follow-up, for instance, or even birthdays or holidays important to your new acquaintances.