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Related to thuya: Thuja


(Plants) a variant spelling of thuja
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Les produits du terroir, notamment le thym, le thuya, le caroubier, l'arganier… completent les ingredients d'un paysage hors pair.
Analyse phytoecologique des groupements a thuya (Tetraclinis articulata (Vahl) Masters) et a chene vert (Quercus rotundifolia Lam.) dans les monts de Tlemcen (Algerie occidentale).
Address: Address: 10 Charles Humbert, 1205 Geneva; 559 A, 3rd Floor, Thuya Street, 9th Quarter, Yangon.
SATURDAY'S SOLUTION: arty; author; AUTHORITY; auto; hart; hotty; hurt; hutia; iota; oath; oaty; ratio; ratty; riot; rota; roti; rout; ruth; rutty; ryot; tahr; taro; tarot; tart; tarty; taut; that; thirty; thoria; thou; throat; throaty; thuya; tort; tour; tout; trait; tray; trio; trot; troth; trout; troy; truth; tryout; tutor; tyro; youth; yurt.
A few branches from our thuya provide the requisite resiny aroma, and we'll raid our huge bay tree started years ago from a cutting but now 20ft tall - it's a far cry from those neat topiary jobs you see flanking the doors of posh houses.
A few branches from our thuya will provide the requisite resiny aroma, and we'll raid our huge bay tree started years ago from a cutting but now 20ft tall - it's a far cry from those neat topiary jobs you see flanking the doors of posh houses.
(115) Along another section of the highway, 150 Mediterranean palms were planted, filled in with 400 thuya (an evergreen bush) and 409 euonymus (a leafy green plant).
Effet de l'Age et du Stade Vegetatif sur la Teneur et la Composition Chimique des Huiles Essentielles de Thuya de Berbere, Les Technologies De Laboratoire -, Volume 6, No.
Il y a beaucoup de similitudes dans la maniere de construire: pierre, brique de terre, mortier de chaux et le bois de Thuya. L'experience de Tlemcen nous permettra d'eviter les erreurs, les entreprises manquent d'experience, et cette experience on l'acquiert soit en repetant le travail jusqu'a la perfection, soit en ramenant des etrangers.