terrorist group

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Related to terrorist group: Isis, terrorism
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Noun1.terrorist group - a political movement that uses terror as a weapon to achieve its goals
act of terrorism, terrorism, terrorist act - the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear
political movement - a group of people working together to achieve a political goal
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He operated wholly alone, but he created a thousandfold more terror and achieved a thousandfold more destruction than all the terrorist groups added together.
Summary: TEHRAN (FNA)- The Russian and Syrian air forces destroyed five key centers of the Turkistani Party terrorist group in joint airstrikes in Southwestern Idlib, killing tens of terrorists.
Despite that the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group has been mainly eliminated in Syria, the US still considers the PYD/YPG its allies, he noted.
He said that the Anti-terror Crime Prosecution completed its investigations and that 25 suspects, including 14 in custody, were referred by the Prosecution and charged with the establishment and joining of a terrorist group, causing explosions, attempted murder of security personnel, illegal possession, handling, storage and training on the use of weapons, explosives and firearms, the financing of a terrorist group and the destruction of public property.
CAIRO, Aug 17 (KUNA) -- Egyptian President Abdelfatah Al-Sisi has approved the terrorism law stipulating in part imprisonment for life of any one who may establish or head a terrorist group. The endorsed law also stipulates rigorous imprisonment of any person who joins a terrorist group, imprisonment for life of an individual who may coerce another to join a terrorist group or ban him (her) from breaking away.
BAGHDAD / Nina / The National Intelligence Service announced on Sunday the dismantling of a terrorist group involved with murder and terrorism, made up of 31 people in what is called the state of Baghdad.
According to spokesman for the Interior Ministry Mohamed Ali Laroui, the victim kidnapped, Sunday, by a terrorist group had been decapitated.
NyAMEY (CyHAN)- Military operations against the terrorist Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) will continue together with talks between Turkish officials and the PKK's jailed leader aimed at disarming the terrorist group, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoy-an said on Wednesday.
DI KHAN, June 30, 2010 (Balochistan Times): DIG Police DI Khan Imtiaz Khan said that police by detecting a terrorists network detained three terrorists and further raids were being made to detain other members of the terrorist group. Addressing a press conference on Wednesday, he said that Police has detained a terrorist group involved in terrorists activities and sectarian violence in the area adding that three detainees of the terrorists group were also involved in remote control bomb attack at DSP Kolachi on 18th May 2010.
DI KHAN, June 30, 2010 (Frontier Star): DIG Police DI Khan Imtiaz Khan said that police by detecting a terrorists network detained three terrorists and further raids were being made to detain other members of the terrorist group. Addressing a press conference on Wednesday, he said that Police has detained a terrorist group involved in terrorists activities and sectarian violence in the area adding that three detainees of the terrorists group were also involved in remote control bomb attack at DSP Kolachi on 18th May 2010.
At times, it is unclear whether a terrorist group is forcefully taxing a criminal operation or whether the members of that criminal operation voluntarily donate a portion of their proceeds because they have sympathies for the terrorist cause.
Summary: A Palestinian suspect was sentenced to death on Monday for belonging to a terrorist group. Military Investigating Magistrate Fadi Sawwan sentenced Rami Issa Abdallah to death for belonging to a terrorist group with the aim of conducting terrorist acts.