terrain exercise

terrain exercise

An exercise in which a stated military situation is solved on the ground, the troops being imaginary and the solution usually being in writing.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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Following the exam, the entire class was issued another problem set in preparation for a week-long terrain exercise conducted around the city of Uberlandia in the state of Minas Gerais.
Immediately thereafter, we were issued a new problem set and corps operations order to begin developing plans for the next terrain exercise. We then flew to Cascavel, in the state of Parana, for a week-long terrain exercise similar to the exercise at the end of the defensive operations phase of the course, using the time on the ground to study the concepts learned in the classroom and to ratify and rectify the plans each group developed.
After graduation from basic military training, IIF battalions spend several weeks in urban terrain exercises, where they learn the art of street fighting and building clearing.
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