tenants association

tenants association

1. (Sociology) an organization of tenants, usually with a written constitution and charitable status, whose aim is to improve the housing conditions, amenities, community life, and contractual positions of its members. See also community association, residents association
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Johnstone Castle Residents and Tenants Association (JCTRA) will hold its final meeting of the year tomorrow.
Laura Hartley's article (Jun 22) looks positive, but it would be interesting to hear the views of the airport tenants association and the Chamber of Commerce Airport Consultative Committee.
Homing in Left to right, Councillor Jim Thomson, environment and housing convener, service manager Carol Hamilton, Hugh McClung of Stirling Tenants Association, housing portfolio holder Councillor Evelyn Tweed and Councillor Danny Gibson
An emergency meeting was called by Leonard and Penny, and they informed Sheldon that they don't want him to be the leader of the tenants association. However, Amy (Mayim Bialik) was also in the room at that time, and she voted in favor of Sheldon so that he could keep his new role.
Behind are Holme Valley Tenants Association vice-chairman Mr Stephen Jarvis, senior children's librarian Mrs Heather Shaw, and Clr Stephen Nage, Holme Valley Tenants' Association chairman.
The Dublin Tenants Association slammed the Government's new regulations for minimum apartment sizes and deemed them to be a cost-cutting measure for developers.
Last month, the total amount of debt as calculated by CW reached $4.7 billion, a figure announced at a Stuy Tow Tenants Association meeting by Council Member Dan Garodnick.
In addition, members of the Bigelow Gardens' tenant association announced the group would be named for her: The Ruth Roffee Flower Power Tenants Association.
A FOUNDER member of a much valued residents and tenants association has been awarded this week's Bouquet of the Week.
The Slatyford Tenants Association's Friendship club was entertained by pupils of Hilton Primary Academy from Hilton Avenue, Blakelaw, in Newcastle at a special event in December.
So the residents of the Rosemoor Hotel are trying a different approach: They've organized a tenants association.