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(Journalism & Publishing) a page in a newspaper or periodical that is cut or perforated so that it can be easily torn out
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(114.) See Suman Chattacharyya, How US Banks are Preparing for the GDPR, TEARSHEET (Apr.
In Henry V, for example, you have a wonderful picture of life lived at court as well as a portrayal of the flip side of the social coin ranging from the low life in Doll Tearsheet's tavern to the ordinary enlisted men at Agincourt trying to sleep before the battle.
While the rebels continue in their plots for revolution, Falstaff sets out to recruit soldiers to the cause, leaving his mistress, Doll Tearsheet, in the process.
Mistress Quickly and Doll Tearsheet strutted in low-cut yellow and red pastel dresses and huge hair, while Pistol, Bardolph, and later Hal and Poins wore parti-colored vests of red, yellow, and orange patches that visually symbolized the tavern's vitality.
The fat, drunken, lecherous knight, who was introduced in Henry Part One, is with us still, cavorting with the twin sirens Mistress Quickly and Doll Tearsheet, played here to a rowdy comic turn by Kimberly Scott and Nell Geisslinger.
I had referral tearsheet pads made up, and I visited my referring doctors that day and all through October.
A tearsheet recipe for Tiny Bites Jungle Salad will be included on the display.
Edalji wrote about his innocence in The Umpire and mailed a tearsheet to Arthur Conan Doyle.
The mountain went into labor, as Horace's famous line has it, and gave forth not a mouse but Marcus' ant without pull wrapped in a tattered tearsheet from the latest in a series of Franzen-brand polemics.
Courtesy of longtime IABC friend and correspondent Wilma Mathews, who directs PR goings-on at Arizona State University, Phoenix, we have in hand a tearsheet from the Arizona Republic.