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(Architecture) dialect Western English a loft
[Welsh taflod, from Late Latin tābulata flooring]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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NNA - Lebanese General Security General Director, Major General, Abbas Ibrahim, described his meeting with the 'Consultative Meeting', which was held on Tuesday at the residence of MP Abdel Rahim Mrad in Tallet al-Khayat, as successful.
SANA reporter in Tallet al-Eis corridor in Aleppo southern countryside said that 18 buses transporting the last batch of the locals of Kefraya and al-Fouaa arrived in the corridor on Friday after midnight.
Summary: The Lebanese Army killed one smuggler and injured another after they attempted to illegally cross the Lebanese border in the Tallet al-Manara in the Bekaa region Friday.
Hours later, the NNA reported that the army seized control of Tallet al-Mkhayrmeh in Ras Baalbek.
A command center, a rocket Launchpad, an anti-tank base and three vehicles were destroyed in the air and artillery strikes of the Syrian army on their positions in Tallet Kroum, al-Rushdiyeh, al-Jafra and al-Huweiqa villages as well as the Eastern parts of Deir Ezzur airport.
"Syrian forces and (Hezbollah) resistance fighters took full control of the strategic Tallet Moussa in Qalamun," the source said.
BEIRUT, Dec 2 (KUNA) -- Six Lebanese soldiers were killed and two others injured Tuesday evening in an ambush set up by gunmen in Tallet Al-Hamra in the outskirts of Rass Baalbek near borders with Syria, National News Agency (NNA) said.
The company normally offers a Tanzanian coffee, and when Campanile saw that one of the women featured in the story--Fatima Aziz Faraji--was from Tanzania, she and her partner Lourdes Tallet decided to track down Faraji's coffee.
As part of the deal, he must look after the boy for the summer with the help of boxing gym owner and best friend Bailey Tallet (Evangeline Lilly).
On the other hand, Negrismo began in the Spanish Caribbean countries (Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic), where authors such as Luis Pales Matos (1898-1959), Jose Zacarias Tallet (1893-1989), Ramon Guirao (1908-49), Emilio Ballagas (1908-54), and Manuel del Cabral (1907-99) inaugurated the Negrista movement that would culminate with the poetry of Cuban writers of African descent Nicolas Guillen (1902-89) and Nancy Morejon (1944).
Arbitration Insanity Update: Papelbon, Garza, Howell, Weaver, Aardsma, Frasor, Tallet, Young, Danks, Drew (http://bizofbaseball.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3989:arbitration-insanity-update-papelbon-garza-howell-weaver-aardsma-frasor-tallet-young-danks-drew&catid=66:free-agency-and-trades&Itemid=153)