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without structure
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In some cases of abruptio placenta fibrinoid necrosis occurs, which are small collection of structureless, eosinophilic, homogeneous material within the villi, usually 3% at term normally but increase in abruptio placenta.
Globular, perpendicular, and structureless veil-like shapes are more rarely described.
Rosettes vary in size from 0.2-0.5 mm, and are believed to stem from an optical effect of the polarized light and its interaction with adnexal openings that are narrowed or filled with keratin; larger rosettes may be attributed to concentric perifollicular fibrosis.6 The author (AK Jha) has previously reported branching vessels, focal keratin plugs, perifollicular whitish halo, rosettes, and structureless white and brown areas on dermoscopy.7 Our study was in accordance with the previous reported studies.
Teams have generally been able to thwart this plan by getting a grip of the Scottish pack, disrupting their possession and removing any foundation from which to run, because in a fast and structureless match, they managed to beat the Wallabies away from home.
Dermatoscopic examination revealed irregular blue clods with shiny white lines on a grayish-brownish structureless area surrounded by dotted vessels (Figure 1b).
When heat is applied to the material, it changes from a structureless, amorphous blob to a crystalline structure on which we can write.
"Mass movements have to be grassroots and structureless. You need a groundswell that's the beauty of Momentum.
Dark brown color, atypical network, and structureless areas were associated with nonspitzoid melanomas," Dr.
As one can see from Figure 2, a wide structureless band observed in the absorption spectrum at 2500 [cm.sup.-1] or more after diffusion evidences of the presence of relatively closely located defect levels in the crystal with different transition energies.
Dermoscopy of the finger nodule showed an erythematous area, central ulceration, yellow crust, brown dots, a white structureless area partially surrounding the lesion, and dotted vessels (Figure 2).

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