stop time

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stop time

(Jazz) jazz a passage where the beat stops temporarily
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The Philadelphia stars have not only succeeded in producing music which remains anything but Out of Touch, but have also seemingly managed to stop time for themselves.
"I believe classical music has the ability to stop time," says 30-year-old pianist Steven Lin who will play for The One and Only Royal Mirage as part of the dcc World Classical Music Series on March 23.
The restaurateur also assured the TV celebrity that they'll be smiling through everything no matter what happens, adding how Curtis' smile can 'stop time' for him.
"So, come on, I think we have much bigger problems in the whole world and in the football world, rather than to discuss how we can stop time wasting in stoppage time."
Four people were taken to hospital by ambulance, before a stop time shortly before 9am.
Three years later - and having published several books since, including 2017's award-winning fiction title How To Stop Time - Haig is once more returning to the subject of mental health.
ILO can fly, stop time or pass through objects, giving each challenge a new twist which avoids repetitive gameplay.
I was determined to get through a few books while I was away and I thoroughly enjoyed How To Stop Time by Matt Haig.
How to Stop Time is a worthy addition to the time-travel canon, hugely entertaining, quietly funny and, at its best moments, contemplative and brooding."
The INOmini 638 will alert station personal with an e-mail each time an EAS alert is received, or a single e-mail with the start and stop time of the alert received.
To receive a perfect score, a machine must manufacture 100 percent availability (no stop time), 100 percent performance (as fast as possible), and 100 percent quality (only saleable products).
How To Stop Time - Matt Haig, Canongate - out Thursday IT'S no wonder Tom Hazard is a good history teacher, considering he's been alive for 439 years.