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(General Physics) the frictional force to be overcome to set one object in motion when it is in contact with another
[C20: blend of static + friction]
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There are a number of problems that can be experienced in sanitary seal applications, many of which are related to thermal and chemical resistance challenges, compression set (permanent deformation), and high static friction (stiction).
In particular PlantESP simplifies the identification of common mechanical issues such as Stiction, reoccurring loop interaction and PID controller tuning challenges.
Among these nonlinearities, we can mention the occurrence of the grip and slip (stick-slip) phenomenal on the valve stem due to static friction (stiction) between its moving parts.
The term stiction has been used to define this phenomenon, in which the valve is stuck due to static friction.
Data-driven modeling of control valve stiction using revised binary-tree structure, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 54(1): 330-337.
In addition, the dithering technique has been applied to the proportional control in order to reduce the effects of stiction and hysteresis [1-10].