step aside

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a. The single complete movement of raising one foot and putting it down in another spot, as in walking.
b. A manner of walking; a particular gait.
c. A fixed rhythm or pace, as in marching: keep step.
d. The sound of a footstep.
e. A footprint: steps in the mud.
a. The distance traversed by moving one foot ahead of the other.
b. A very short distance: just a step away.
c. steps Course; path: turned her steps toward home.
3. One of a series of rhythmical, patterned movements of the feet used in a dance: diagrammed the basic steps to the mambo.
a. A rest for the foot in ascending or descending.
b. steps Stairs.
c. Something, such as a ledge or an offset, that resembles a step of a stairway.
d. A low platform used for exercise, as in step aerobics.
a. One of a series of actions, processes, or measures taken to achieve a goal.
b. A stage in a process: followed every step in the instructions.
6. A degree in progress or a grade or rank in a scale: a step up in the corporate hierarchy.
7. Music
a. The interval that separates two successive tones of a scale.
b. A degree of a scale.
8. Nautical The block in which the heel of a mast is fixed.
v. stepped, step·ping, steps
1. To put or press the foot: step on the brake.
2. To shift or move slightly by taking a step or two: step back.
3. To walk a short distance to a specified place or in a specified direction: step over to the corner.
4. To move with the feet in a particular manner: step lively.
5. To move into a new situation by or as if by taking a single step: stepping into a life of ease.
6. To treat someone with arrogant indifference: He is always stepping on other people.
1. To put or set (the foot) down: step foot on land.
2. To measure by pacing: step off ten yards.
3. To furnish with steps; make steps in: terraces that are stepped along the hillside.
4. Computers To cause (a computer) to execute a single instruction.
5. Nautical To place (a mast) in its step.
Phrasal Verbs:
step aside
To resign from a post, especially when being replaced.
step down
1. To resign from a high post.
2. To reduce, especially in stages: stepping down the electric power.
step in
1. To enter into an activity or a situation.
2. To intervene.
step out
1. To walk briskly.
2. To go outside for a short time.
3. Informal To go out for a special evening of entertainment.
4. To withdraw; quit.
step up
1. To increase, especially in stages: step up production.
2. To come forward: step up and be counted.
3. To improve one's performance or take on more responsibility, especially at a crucial time.
in step
1. Moving in rhythm.
2. In conformity with one's environment: in step with the times.
out of step
1. Not moving in rhythm: recruits marching out of step.
2. Not in conformity with one's environment: out of step with the times.
step by step
By degrees.
step on it Informal
To go faster; hurry.

[Middle English, from Old English stæpe, stepe.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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w>step aside

(lit)zur Seite treten
(fig)Platz machen; to step aside to make way for somebodyjdm Platz machen
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(step) noun
1. one movement of the foot in walking, running, dancing etc. He took a step forward; walking with hurried steps.
2. the distance covered by this. He moved a step or two nearer; The restaurant is only a step (= a short distance) away.
3. the sound made by someone walking etc. I heard (foot) steps.
4. a particular movement with the feet, eg in dancing. The dance has some complicated steps.
5. a flat surface, or one flat surface in a series, eg on a stair or stepladder, on which to place the feet or foot in moving up or down. A flight of steps led down to the cellar; Mind the step!; She was sitting on the doorstep.
6. a stage in progress, development etc. Mankind made a big step forward with the invention of the wheel; His present job is a step up from his previous one.
7. an action or move (towards accomplishing an aim etc). That would be a foolish/sensible step to take; I shall take steps to prevent this happening again.
verbpast tense, past participle stepped
to make a step, or to walk. He opened the door and stepped out; She stepped briskly along the road.
steps noun plural
a stepladder. May I borrow your steps?
ˈstepladder noun
a ladder with a hinged support at the back and flat steps, not rungs.
ˈstepping-stones noun plural
large stones placed in a shallow stream etc, on which a person can step when crossing.
in/out of step
(of two or more people walking together) with, without the same foot going forward at the same time. to march in step; Keep in step!; He got out of step.
step aside
to move to one side. He stepped aside to let me pass.
step by step
gradually. He improved step by step.
step in
to intervene. The children began to quarrel, and I thought it was time I stepped in.
step out
to walk with a long(er) and (more) energetic stride.
step up
to increase. The firm must step up production.
watch one's step
to be careful, especially over one's own behaviour.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
At a signal from the former the latter would step aside, the plank would tilt and the condemned man go down between two ties.
Serpent, would you be so kind as to step aside to let me pass?"
Rather, to-day, is it adjudged a step aside, or a step backward, to the social tyrannies that made the early world a hell, but that were as necessary as the Iron Heel was unnecessary.
A great cataract of flounces rolled down from the young lady's waist to Newman's feet; he had to step aside to avoid treading upon them.
David in the middle of his games would suddenly remember the great blank and step aside to cry.
There is great danger in meeting him, and the best way is, upon such an accident, to step aside and let him pass by.
She caught them in her hands, in spite of his efforts to step aside, and with her face upon the floor lay writhing.
STEP ASIDE"I acknowledge receipt of summons by the EACC relating to alleged utterances I made directed to Hon Esther Passaris, the Nairobi City County Woman Representative over her unpaid per diem for a trip she made to New York in March 2019 despite the county having paid for her air ticket to New York and before that Viena," said Sonko.Mr Sonko said that if EACC finds that he has a case to answer, he will step aside.
| A MAN denied possessing drugs at Aberdeen International Airport and failing to step aside to allow passengers to board a plane.
Mr Charles Bissue, the step aside Secretary to the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Illegal Mining (IMCIM) is a happy man.
Under-fire Football Kenya Federation Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Robert Muthomi yesterday opted to step aside to allow investigations into his involvement in underhand transfer deal revolving around Sofapaka striker John Avire.
Robert Aventajado of taekwondo, who has plans to run as POC chairman, a post he held from 2000 to 2008, said he's willing to step aside. "If there's a unity ticket and if both sides find someone as their chairman, I will give way.