state supreme court

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Noun1.state supreme court - the highest court in most states of the United States
court, judicature, tribunal - an assembly (including one or more judges) to conduct judicial business
law, jurisprudence - the collection of rules imposed by authority; "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order"
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References in periodicals archive ?
Consequently, the Commission directed that Charter pay $1M to the State Treasury for missing the June milestone, bringing the total amount of payments ordered by the Commission to $3M, and directed the Commission's counsel to bring an enforcement action in State Supreme Court to seek additional penalties for Charter's past failures and on-going non-compliance.
An Arkansas appellate judge said Tuesday he's running for state Supreme Court justice, creating a three-person race for a high court that has been the focus of expensive campaigns by outside conservative groups.
Choosing State Supreme Court Justices: Merit Selection and the Consequences of Institutional Reform
March 7, 2014: The state Supreme Court rules that Kansas is violating the state constitution's mandate that schools get equitable funding.
Schneiderman had sued the bank in New York State Supreme Court in Manhattan in June, accusing it of lying to customers and hiding the role of high-frequency traders.
The state Supreme Court heard arguments Tuesday over whether same-sex couples legally married in other states can be granted divorces in Texas.
9th Circuit Court of Appeals asked the state Supreme Court to decide Court to decide whether state law gives initiative sponsors the legal standing to defend ballot measures when state officials refuse to do so.
West Virginia's healthcare community is on edge following our State Supreme Court's decision to accept the appeal of a case challenging the constitutionality of West Virginia's cap on non-economic damages.
Our primary hypothesis concerns the effects of state constitutional particularism on the amount of docket space devoted to civil appeals in state supreme courts. To effectively test this hypothesis, we must also consider alternative influences on state supreme court attention.
California has long had the most emulated state supreme court. Here are some examples:
In 2004, overall spending on state supreme court campaigns was $42 million--a 44 percent increase over the $29 million spent in 2002.

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