squirrel away

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.squirrel away - save up as for future use
lay aside, save up, save - accumulate money for future use; "He saves half his salary"
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References in periodicals archive ?
The legislators were allowed to squirrel away large sums of money to fund their pet projects provided they gave the Chief Executive as much leeway with his own lump sums.
chocol You wi thes will want to squirrel away some of these acorns for yourself!
YouTube users who often squirrel away while binging on all sorts of videos can now share the experience with friends through a new app.
Shameless Karus, 54 - who sued his own mum over money - set up European Property Holdings and based them in Panama to squirrel away assets while fighting court battles.
FIRST?TIME buyers in Wales squirrel away PS17,546 towards their !rst home and go on to take out mortgages to the tune of almost PS100,000, new !gures reveal.
Bill Prince We all pay for tax evasion and tax avoidance, too, and the amounts the super-rich squirrel away through tax dodges makes benefit fraud amounts look like peanuts.
We watch them trade in one flashy sports car for another as mere mortals struggle to pay off our mortgage and squirrel away money for a rainy day.
INSURANCE and investment group Legal &General said it will smash full-year targets as more individuals and companies squirrel away money to protect them against the financial chaos.
FORCING banks to squirrel away more of their money could have "profoundly negative consequences" for the UK's economy, it is claimed.
PARK Group has said the popularity of its Christmas savings scheme helped boost profits amid signs that the financial gloom is encouraging anxious consumers to squirrel away money for the festive season.
And if you know you'll still be around at 80 then at least you could squirrel away a few bob in readiness for years of nursing home fees - that or make sure you treat the kids well so they'll stump up the cash.