
Related to spongeous: spongious


relating to or resembling a sponge
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"These abrupt changes of vegetation--this little spongeous tract of water plants, and on either side of it all the growths are tough or brittle--heather, bracken, hurts, pines.
Superb moisturizing, Hyaluronate <100kDa Repairing skin barrier (Hymagic-AcHA) Hyaluronic Acid Spongeous structure, Long-lasting Elastomer (Hyacross) >3,000kDa moisturizing, Protecting skin against UV&Pollution Oil-dispersed Sodium Speciallyfor color Moisturizing, Repairing, Hyaluronate(Hyacolor) products Lip-pumping High Substantive Speciallytbr rinse-off Moisturizing, Reducing the Sodium Hyaluronate products irritation caused by SAA (cationHA) Specialized Services
This negative effect of the fungicide may be due to toxicity resulting from the excess to which the product is absorbed and retained by the spongeous fibers covering the nuculanium (seed) as shown by Azevedo, Mendes and Figueiredo (2004).
Our patient's tumor therefore belongs to the category of the osteosarcomas that arise in the spongeous bone of the stalk, has no relationship with the cartilaginous cap, shows no thickening of the cap, and no neoplastic cartilaginous components.
In the fourth patient re-operation was due to insufficient union on the fracture line at the end of 7 months and as the patient had clinical pain, an augmentation procedure was applied with autologous spongeous bone graft.
Osteoblasts were lining as polygonal between spongeous and trabecular bone tissues (Fig.
Sample heterogeneity can lead to serious errors, especially if the analyte is not homogeneously distributed within the bone tissue, e.g., cortical vs trabecular bone, compact vs spongeous bone, or calcified vs noncalcified bone.
The elements--the titanium implant, the external layer of the cortical bone, and the inner part of the spongeous bone--were developed and loaded by vertical and inclined concentrated forces.
(Hymagir-AcHA) Repairing skin barrier Hyaluronic Acid >3,000kDa Spongeous structure.