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also spon·doo·licks  (spŏn-do͞o′lĭks′, -dyo͞o′-)
pl.n. Slang
Money; cash.

[Perhaps from obsolete slang spondylics, coins piled for counting, probably from Greek spondulos, vertebra, in humorous reference to the resemblance between a stack of coins and the vertebral column.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


, spondulix
pl (hum inf)Piepen pl (inf)
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in periodicals archive ?
IT was my fault, put it down to lack of attention to detail, I forgot to validate my parking ticket and consequently had to cough up forty spondulicks. The paperwork arrived at the house, I assume the enforcement company got my details from DVLA in Wales, therefore knew my full names and address.
Plus, how does he imagine these 'global commercial brands' keep the spondulicks pouring in, for his PS7m-a-year salary and afford him an 'unlimited' transfer budget?
Skilled people will be needed to pick out what tiny insignificant nothings will become intergalactic trends that end up making gazillions of spondulicks. (Spondulicks are predicted to be the accepted intergalactic currency by 2023.
Money, moolah, spondulicks: it's what 43.1 percent of you are all about.
Here he returns to those quiz show roots as the host of ITV's new afternoon brain-drain, pitting four normal contestants against evil genius-sized super brains in order to snaffle thousands of spondulicks.
But switch on the TV or radio and you'll hear him sing crazy lines such as "With just a few clicks/You save spondulicks" or "Search no longer/To save some wonga".
So it would be a decent gesture if, when our Ken deservedly lays his hands on the spondulicks, he gets in touch with Jack, buys him a pint and gives him a few thousand as one punter to another.
I recently saw the word "spondulicks," old-time slang for money, spelled "spondulix" in a newspaper column.
Now my friends, this is not pretend money lost on credit to be paid at some later date - this is real spondulicks because on the exchanges you have to have the money deposited up front.
The grudgier the grudge the higher the profile, and high profile equals spondulicks (endless gratis plugs for Australian pole-vaulter Tatyana Grigorieva's non-athletic activities would cost her a fortune at commercial rates).
For the next nine years, apparently, the world will hurl spondulicks uswards because a large golfing gig is heading this way.