splatter movie

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splatter movie

(Film) slang a film in which the main feature is the graphic and gory murder of numerous victims
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Rattue wrote in the New Zealand Herald:"About the only thing that could be said in Ashworth's defence is that this rugby splatter movie occurred in an era when boot sprigs (studs) were not just regarded as implements for attaching a rugby player more firmly to the earth.
Demented Are Go formed in around 1982 in the Welsh capital and were one of the first bands to mix punk rock with rockabilly, and they've toured the world ever since with their sonic equivalent of a gore-soaked splatter movie.
If every Premier League match is now a multi-million pound blockbuster, this was a good old-fashioned splatter movie. It would have been 2-0 had James Hanson been 6ft 6in tall, rather than 6ft 4in.
"I'd managed to sneak a peek at Peter Jackson's low-budget splatter movie Bad Taste on late-night telly when I was about 13 and thought it was hilarious and scary at the same time," he said, recalling the gory riot of blood, brains and alien invaders.
Jackson's splatter movie background does not blend well with Tolkien's fantasy ...
But if you've seen one low-budget splatter movie, you've seen this.
THE spirit of Bad Taste and The Evil Dead rises from the ashes in this Australian splatter movie, in which alien invaders trigger an attack of resurrected zombies.
In a somewhat different book, The Official Splatter Movie Guide, the following examples can be found: long-suffering, blood-splattering, must-see, Michigan-made, Brooklyn-accented, B-movie, devil-cult, brain-dead, throat-slashing, death-dealing, religion-crazed, long-dead, suspicious-looking, thumb-cutting, mid-eighties, splatter-punk, plague-infested, none-too-bright, ultra-gore-filled, half-man, half-fish, chainsaw-wielding, full-throttle, wacked-out, sex-crazed, 3-D, and gun-and-grenade-toting.
Maybe they'll prove us all wrong tomorrow night, but following Welsh rugby for the past 20 years has been like watching Richard Burton turn up in a splatter movie.
Milla Jovovich makes mincemeat of zombie army in a mindless, living-dead splatter movie.
It also includes one of the same special effects people who worked on the 1974 splatter movie.
Opening scenes appear to portend a standard-issue splatter movie. Vet Mexico City cop Ulises (Damian Alcazar) is forced to watch as two minions of a dreaded drug kingpin remove a hand and both eyes from the cop's bound partner.