solar house

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solar house

A house having heat-absorbing material behind large glass areas, designed to use solar radiation for heating.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: house - a house designed to use solar radiation for heatingsolar house - a house designed to use solar radiation for heating; usually has large areas of glass in front of heat-absorbing materials
house - a dwelling that serves as living quarters for one or more families; "he has a house on Cape Cod"; "she felt she had to get out of the house"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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"Instead of proposing the traditional use of batteries to convert and store solar power, our students suggested using hydrogen fuel cells, which are nonpolluting and absolutely guarantee that our solar house will be self-sufficient."
Since completing the project, close to 2000 people have been through the Mawson house on Solar House Days.
They designed their house to look more like a traditional American home than an experimental solar house. The Colorado students developed what they call the Building a Sustainable Environment (or BASE+) approach, which starts out with a highly energy-efficient structure to which solar- and other energy-producing features can be applied.
Down the road, Yaholnitsky sees Solarsoft providing information on passive solar house design and energy-efficient landscaping to homeowners and businesses.
His trek takes him to Chiswick House in London, Solar House in Hampshire and even a 70s bungalow in Solihull.
This solar house manages considerable energy saving through passive means without excessive costs or gadgetry.
Small to medium-size grid connected systems and solar house systems are expected to take some 50% of the market by 2010.--PISA.The Photo-voltaic Information Strategy for Architects and European Citizens initiative was taken after EUREC completed a Europe-wide consultation on PV perceptions by architects.
ECO-House is a modular, passive solar house designed by Pennsylvania State University graduate student James Rioux that, he says, will cost only $130 a year to heat.
We had an exhibit that included an art structural model of a 6' (1.83 m) pyramid, a solar house, a revitalized city model of the West Philadelphia area, computers (Logo Presentation, Macintosh House Design), a Food Bazaar of recipes from various cultures, and resource displays.
"It looks like a regular house!' is something architect David Wright often hears when visitors arrive at his solar house in northern California's Sierra foothills.
The Illinois Solar Energy Association's Solar House also will be on display.