socially excluded

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socially excluded

a. suffering from social exclusion
b. (as noun): the socially excluded.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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H Y D E R A B A D -- Hamdam Foundation, with the support of USAID's Ambassador's Fund Grant Program (AFGP), has launched a six month project titled 'Social and Economic Empowerment of socially excluded and economically deprived indigenous Ghera community through enhanced trade skills' in Hyderabad city today.
The New Horizons Group, based at Deeside Enterprise Centre on Rowley's Drive in Shotton, provides a day service to local people who are disabled and/or socially excluded, through various craft activities, cooking skills and digital training services.
AUSTERITY research at a North East university aims to help those most at risk of being socially excluded.
AUSTERITY research at a North East university is hoping to help those most at risk of being socially excluded.
It is one of the largest organisations in the north providing essential services to socially excluded groups.
The convenience label of socially excluded has been applied to 22 young men who were either involved in the criminal justice system, excluded from educational institutions or living in areas of high deprivation and who were recruited through specialist youth projects.
The event, which takes place at 7.30pm at the Buffs Social Club, on Norton Road, Stockton, will feature a talk from former alcoholic and self-confessed tramp Gram Seed, who hopes to encourage people to donate just PS1 a week to allow his charity, the Sowing Seeds Ministry, to continue to help socially excluded people, or those with addictions, on Teesside.
Its laws regarding compulsory voting for all including its socially excluded indigenous Aboriginal population are a timely reminder of how common sense can easily be hijacked by mindless bureaucrats.
It was found that the socially excluded participants favoured the riskier option more strongly than their included counterparts.
"The dinner was for 50 of Cardiff's vulnerable senior residents who are socially excluded," said a Round Table spokesman.
Llamau is a charity that works with around 4,000 socially excluded homeless and potentially homeless young people and vulnerable women each year.

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