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informal the activity of flirting between smokers who are smoking cigarettes outside a no-smoking office, pub, etc
[C21: a blend of smoking + flirting]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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First, there was no smoking sociality to speak of along the lines of what has commonly been observed in leisure settings, where striking up a conversation with a stranger over a cigarette is apparently so common it now has its own term: "smirting." (7) In Vancouver's downtown area, unless several colleagues went outside for a smoke together, it was generally a solitary activity.
WHAT do you call the musical equivalent of smirting (that's smoking and flirting, or so I'm told)?
Known as smirting -- smoking and flirting -- it quickly became a craze "which has swept Ireland since the introduction of the pub and restaurant ban," said the Guardian.
The spectre on our doorsteps is smirting - flirting for smokers.
SMIRTING - flirting while smoking outside bars and restaurants.
And it may be that the Scottish experience of 'smirting' - mixing smoking with flirting - takes hold in just such a location.
On this visit, I got the chance to try out the new outdoor dating experience that has flourished since Scotland banned smoking in public places earlier this year, called smirting.
A taxi driver told us the practice of 'smirting' - smoking and flirting - was thriving around Dublin's pub patio heaters.
And I love the new pastime the ban has created - smirting, the combination of flirting and smoking taking place in doorways.
IT was the decade when smirting came to the fore and scores of anguished middle-aged males hit the menoporsche.