

1. (tr) to cut or slice
2. (Clothing & Fashion) (tr) to slip on (clothing)
3. (intr) to sneak, to slip away
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
The head of the International Council of News Agencies, Slive Marshall said "The meeting of the heads of more than 90 news agencies from all over the world in this important forum is fueling the spirit of confrontation with the spread of false news to rid our societies of this challenge and this deliberate sabotage of the building approach we all aspire to strengthen, "We have to defend the real information and strengthen its role through honest action without being dragged behind this or that side by the attempts to falsify the facts.
In 1965 the art historian Seymour Slive could write that 'about 1,400 drawings by Rembrandt have been preserved and carefully catalogued'.
8 Tigers outlast UAB 75-71 in overtime in the Mike Slive Invitational.
They cover themselves with slive to protect from drying and hibernate to conserve energy.
SOUTHEASTERN CONFERENCE -- Announced the retirement of commissioner Mike Slive, effective July 31, 2015.
"The existing strength of the SEC was certainly a significant factor in the decision to play eight games," SEC commissioner Mike Slive said in a release.
NATIONAL SLATE MUSEUM: The annual Model Railway Show at the venue will be holding storytelling sessions with local actor Iwan Charles entitled "Tales on the Tracks." Anyone wearing a Welsh shirt, leek or daffodil will receive a free welsh cake or slive of bara brith in the Museum cafe.
Conforme Slive (1998: 262), "os pintores do seculo VXII foram os primeiros a minimizar a importancia das pessoas nos cenarios arquitetonicos, de forma a acentuar a beleza e a forma das construcoes, agora temas independentes." As pinturas de Pieter Saenredam , por exemplo, chamam a atencao pelas minusculas figuras em preto que pontuam e dimensionam o majestoso espaco no qual se encontram, conduzindo nosso olhar para a distancia.
The pilgrims walked through his 14 stations, chanting prayers and ending at the ancient Church of the Holy Sepulchre, ( reported .
Such general principles link the American landscape painter to his contemporaries Huet and Constable, and significantly, also to the Dutch master of landscape Jacob van Ruisdael, who had inspired many Romantic-era landscape artists (see Slive).