slip noose

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Noun1.slip noose - a loop formed in a cord or rope by means of a slipknotslip noose - a loop formed in a cord or rope by means of a slipknot; it binds tighter as the cord or rope is pulled
clench, clinch - a small slip noose made with seizing
hangman's halter, hangman's rope, hempen necktie, halter, hemp - a rope that is used by a hangman to execute persons who have been condemned to death by hanging
lariat, reata, riata, lasso - a long noosed rope used to catch animals
slipknot - a knot at the end of a cord or rope that can slip along the cord or rope around which it is made
loop - anything with a round or oval shape (formed by a curve that is closed and does not intersect itself)
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References in classic literature ?
The Californian horsemen seldom ride out without the laso [sic]; that is to say, a long coil of cord, with a slip noose; with which they are expert, almost to a miracle.
They are offered in two diameters: the 5/8" is recommended for big dogs and comes in 2', 4', and 6' lengths; the 6' length is available with either a snap on the end or a slip noose. The 3/8" comes in a 6' length with a snap end or a 4' length with a slip end.