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a. A thin broad piece cut from a larger object: ate a slice of cheese; examined a slice of the diseased lung.
b. An often wedge-shaped piece cut from a larger, usually circular object: ordered a slice of pie; shared a slice of pizza.
2. A portion or share: a slice of the profits.
a. A knife with a broad, thin, flexible blade, used for cutting and serving food.
b. A similar implement for spreading printing ink.
4. Sports
a. The course of a ball that curves in the direction of the dominant hand of the player propelling it, as to the right of a right-handed player.
b. A stroke that causes a ball to follow such a course: a golfer with a bad slice.
c. A ball propelled on such a course.
d. A stroke, as in tennis, in which the ball is struck with a downward motion with the open face of the racket in order to impart backspin.
v. sliced, slic·ing, slic·es
1. To cut or divide into slices: slice a loaf of bread.
2. To cut from a larger piece: slice off a piece of salami.
3. To cut through or move through with an action like cutting: "where wheels have freshly sliced the April mire" (Robert Frost).
4. To divide into portions or shares; parcel out: "With mortgage securitisation, a pool of home loans is sliced into tranches bearing different degrees of risk" (David Shirreff).
5. To reduce or remove from a larger amount or entity: sliced 10 percent off the asking price.
6. Sports To hit (a ball) with a slice.
1. To make a cut with a cutting implement: I sliced into the cake.
2. To move like a knife: The destroyer sliced through the water.
3. Sports To hit a ball with a slice.
any way/no matter how you slice it
No matter how you look at it; no matter how it is analyzed.

[Middle English sclice, splinter, from Old French esclice, from esclicier, to splinter, of Germanic origin.]

slice′a·ble adj.
slic′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.slicing - a golf shot that curves to the right for a right-handed golfer; "he took lessons to cure his slicing"
golf shot, golf stroke, swing - the act of swinging a golf club at a golf ball and (usually) hitting it
2.slicing - the act of cutting into slices
cutting, cut - the act of cutting something into parts; "his cuts were skillful"; "his cutting of the cake made a terrible mess"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
"Then away you go to the slicing machine!" he cried.
He had early learned that it was wise to get along well with sea-cooks, since sea-cocks were notoriously given to going suddenly lunatic and slicing and hacking up their shipmates with butcher knives and meat cleavers on the slightest remembered provocation.
Whereupon, this accomplished swordsman, warning all hands to stand off, once more makes a scientific dash at the mass, and with a few sidelong, desperate, lunging slicings, severs it completely in twain; so that while the short lower part is still fast, the long upper strip, called a blanket-piece, swings clear, and is all ready for lowering.
In the UK, the first bread slicing and wrapping machine was installed at the Wonderloaf Bakery in Tottenham in 1937.
[Shanghai, China, July 2, 2019] China Mobile and Huawei released the User Experience Driven 5G Slice SLA Assurance White Paper at the 5G Service Innovation and Network Slicing Summit & 2019 Annual Conference of the Information Communication Network Technology Committee of China Institute of Communications.
Rest ham after baking for about 10 minutes before serving and slicing. Place on a plate and garnish.
This live broadcasting uses Huawei's E2E 5G network slicing solution, which enables carriers to slice a network into multiple virtual E2E networks on the same hardware infrastructure.
ZTE Corporation has released the world's first 5G E2E network slicing solution.
Bizerba expands its Scaleroline family of slicing machines with the fully automatic A650 slicer for industrial food manufacturing.
ABSTRACT: Program slicing is a decomposition technique that produces a new sub-program relevant to a particular computation.