
Also found in: Acronyms.


a celebrity
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Slebs are hired to bring fame, glamour and interest to what may well be a parity product.
Sleb is not only a brilliant satire on the shallow times we live in, but also a moving portrait of the disintegration of one man's life.
In 1982, at Lebri (Sleb ri) in Nang district of Nyintri, a very large ancient burial site was discovered and examined (fig.1).
346: yig rdog re re'i phyir yang rtog dpyod zhib po mdzod / sbyin bdag gis bris kyang rnying pa 'dug pa rnams ma 'bri / bris byang so ma 'bri ba zhal ta'i gsung bdog pas gzigs nas zhal bkod mdzod / 'bru chad 'them pa'i gnyis par mi gtong pa dang / zhal ta la mi nyan ba byung na / chos gnyer bas skad mdzod / gung seng gi 'khar rda byung nas ma sleb na / ja srang phyed re'i chad pa la yig tshang de'i yig mkhan rnams dang zhus dag pa gsol /.
Perhaps, Rhodri, when you were knee-high to a tall story that was true, but today the media is obsessed with celebrity, even the sleb fluff in its own navel.
All summed up in the somewhat scrawny shape of Cherlyl Cole, St Cheryl, the ultimate Sleb in a country cursed by celebrity worship.
But there was something else I secretly wanted to experience - "sleb" spotting.