site visit

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: visit - a visit in an official capacity to examine a site to determine its suitability for some enterprisesite visit - a visit in an official capacity to examine a site to determine its suitability for some enterprise
visit - the act of going to see some person or place or thing for a short time; "he dropped by for a visit"
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PVA's site visit team consists of seven members, including three people from medical services (two nurses and a doctor), an architect, a field advisory committee member, a PVA national service officer (NSO) and the PVA chapter liaison.
He said Fforest Road, from which the development would be accessed from and then through Clos y Benallt Fawr, posed risks, adding: "My concerns are that it is a dangerous road and I would welcome your support in a site visit to see what it is like."
Prepare early: This is important especially if your site visit includes any off-shore destinations.
Members of Flintshire Council's planning committee are angry a vital meeting about the future of the county's high schools is to be held on the same day they are due to undertake 10 planning application site visits. It will leave the 21 members with just a 10-minute break between the special executive meeting at 10am and the start of the site visits in the afternoon - for which they have been told to bring their own sandwiches.
Coun Hopgood, a member of the planning committee involved in the site visit, who lives in Durham City, said: "Councillors have to make their own way from all parts of the county to the council offices in Spennymoor simply to catch a coach to take us to a different part of the town.
I am no longer on it, because the site visits became too much for someone on crutches.
Oil and gas company Liberty Energy Corp (OTCBB:LBYE) revealed on Wednesday that Ian Spowart (chief executive officer), Daniel Martinez-Atkinson (chief financial officer) and technical partners have arranged for a site visit to the company's Texan acreage and potential new prospects.
Yesterday, Cardiff council's planning committee heard from Councillors Jayne Cowan and Gareth Neale who both said a site visit was necessary for an informed decision.
Sydow had requested that the public be barred from the site visit.
11 NOAA's contract specialist informed Dellew that site visits would be scheduled for Jan.
The site visit will offer a broad range of learning opportunities, including discussions with city leaders, presentations on how to apply the Youth Civic Engagement model to create local opportunities and visits to local government settings where youth play a leadership role.
The 2005 conference also included a teaching experiment that served as a bridge between the instructional segments and a site visit to the Wells G & H Superfund site in Woburn, Massachusetts (these two municipal wells were found to be contaminated with industrial waste in 1979).

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