sign of the zodiac

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sign of the zodiac

(Astrology) any of the 12 equal areas, 30° wide, into which the zodiac can be divided, named after the 12 zodiacal constellations. In astrology, it is thought that a person's psychological type and attitudes to life can be correlated with the sign in which the sun lay at the moment of his birth, with the ascendant sign, and to a lesser extent with the signs in which other planets lay at this time. Also called: sign, star sign or sun sign See also planet3, house9
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

sign′ of the zo′diac

1. one of the 12 constellations along the path of the ecliptic.
2. (in contemporary Western astrology) one of the 12 divisions of the ecliptic, each consisting of 30 degrees, marked off from the point of the vernal equinox.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.sign of the zodiac - (astrology) one of 12 equal areas into which the zodiac is dividedsign of the zodiac - (astrology) one of 12 equal areas into which the zodiac is divided
astrology, star divination - a pseudoscience claiming divination by the positions of the planets and sun and moon
region, part - the extended spatial location of something; "the farming regions of France"; "religions in all parts of the world"; "regions of outer space"
zodiac - a belt-shaped region in the heavens on either side to the ecliptic; divided into 12 constellations or signs for astrological purposes
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
People born on April 17 have which sign of the zodiac? 4.
Admittedly you are not the most adventurous sign of the zodiac. However, you should seek refuge today.
Each sign of the Zodiac goes hand in hand with the treatments.
If you were born on St Andrew's Day, what would be your sign of the zodiac? 7.
20 Which sign of the Zodiac falls between 23 July and 22 August?
CHERRY, DARLINGTON, CO DURHAM ACROSS DOWN 1 Australia's largest city (6) 3 Pre-euro currency of the Republic of Ireland (4) 7 Touch down (4) 8 Seller (6) 10 Moreover (7) 13 French castle (7) 16 Nicholas Lyndhurst's character in Only Fools And Horses (6) 17 Stare (4) 18 Look for (4) 19 Theatrical performer (6) 1 Musical passage for a single performer (4) 2 Beast of burden (6) 4 Pakistani language (4) 5 Traditional Scottish fabric pattern (6) 6 Below (7) 9 Combatant (7) 11 Sign of the zodiac (6) 12 Wharf, London business district (6) 14 Verge, extremity (4) 15 Shakespearean king (4) SOLUTION to Crossword October 28 ACROSS 1 Barber; 3 Slim; 7 Luge; 8 Vacant; 10 Earlier; 13 Central; 16 Heaven; 17 Sane; 18 Peer; 19 Unseen.
It added: "I vow to claim one life for each sign of the Zodiac. No one is safe from my vengeance..."
TODAY'S TIPS BATH: 2.10 Sign Of The Zodiac, 2.40 Eloquent Star, 3.10 My Arch, 3.45 City Dazzler, 4.15 Cahala Dancer, 4.45 Join Up, 5.15 Tidal Run, 5.45 Amazing Win.
People born under the Taurus star sign (April 10 to May 10) claimed more top prizes than any other sign of the zodiac. The National Lottery has now created more than 2,750 millionaires since its launch in 1994.