

contraction of
should have
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An angry Johnston said: "Obviously our aim was to win the game and we should've won.
He was visibly nervous and everyone was shocked although maybe we should've seen it coming; Iqra did call him the love of her life during her acceptance speech earlier in the night.
"I was also there in 1960 when Hearts defeated Third Lanark to win the League Cup, perhaps I should've been a mascot."
"Zayn should've been given the Aladdin role, I said what I said", one fan posted.
"There should've been more security guards - six looking after 450 people means each guard was responsible for 75 children, you wouldn't get that in a school, there should've been more guards there checking inside and out (of the venue)."
'It may be wrong to think this way, but sometimes I feel like it's unfair that everything was put on my shoulders when I should've just been a kid,' she told television host Boy Abunda on Feb.
It was to not get we dominated all areas, we just on "It was disappointing to not get over the line, we completely Craig dominated them in all areas, we should've just capitalised on that.
MacPherson's side are still unbeaten at home this season but the manager said: "We should've won the game today.
Aston's Terry O'Connor - now a top referee - should've been in the mix.
8 7 HENDERSON Headbutted in the first half and should've seen his attacker sent off.
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