

(ˈʃɔːmən) or


n, pl -men
1. a person who lives on the shore
2. (Fishing) a shore-worker in the fishing industry
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"Sometimes I think it is better to be honest with people about where you stand." Recently Mr Bebb, who voted remain in the 2016 EU referendum, became involved in an angry exchange of emails with Neil Coppendale from Shoreman by Sea in West Sussex, who supports Brexit and writes almost daily to "remain" MPs.
Riders - Callum Anderson, Greig Brown, Andy Bruce, Jamie Davidson, Robert Friel, Thomas Gelati, David Griffiths, Oliver Murray, Richard McDonald, Cameron Richardson, Jason Roberts, Tim Shoreman, David Reed.
Effective immediately, Nikrant succeeds the outgoing Terry Shoreman, who plans to retire from the company after 18 years of service, but will continue through the transition and continue to serve on the board of directors, while assisting in a customer and industry relations role.
"The security services are saying that the visa website itself was not hacked, but the calendar may very well be the subject of a hacking," Shoreman told ( BuzzFeed News.
There's no goose man more respected on the Chesapeake than Sean Mann, and, his iconic Eastern Shoreman is just as renowned.
The unions pushed back against containerization, and won a work contract in 1965 guaranteeing a minimum annual income to longshoremen who reported for work, whether or not work was available, and a job security plan ensuring that working New York long shoreman would retain their jobs for as long as they lasted.
In the first section Amy Crowther and Andrew Denbigh-White edged Calverley and Nick Shoreman into second place by just one point, after both pairings had suffered just one defeat.
Shoreman, 32, of the Worcester County House of Correction, possession of a class A substance, dismissed.