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1. (Clothing & Fashion) the front of a shirt, usually the visible part of the shirt not covered by a coat or another garment
2. (Clothing & Fashion) a detachable insert resembling the front of a shirt; dickey
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.shirtfront - the front of a shirt (usually the part not covered by a jacket); "he had spilled catsup on his shirtfront"
front - the side that is seen or that goes first
plastron - the front of man's dress shirt
plastron - the ornamental front of a woman's bodice or shirt
shirt - a garment worn on the upper half of the body
2.shirtfront - a man's detachable insert (usually starched) to simulate the front of a shirt
insert, inset - an artifact that is inserted or is to be inserted
shirt - a garment worn on the upper half of the body
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
A bulky, blue-chinned man in white clothes, his name red-lettered across his lower shirtfront, spluttering from under a green-lined umbrella almost tearful appeals to be introduced to the Unintroducible; naming loudly the Unnameable; dancing, as it seemed, in perverse joy at mere mention of the Unmentionable--found those limits.
According to Packer, he had become "a Vietnam bore, a sodden old vet staggering out of the triple-canopy jungle to grab strangers by the shirtfront and make them listen to his harrowing tale."
The overhead conditions were perfect for batting and it looked like a shirtfront, but it's offered help all day.
Coins bounced off his tie and shirtfront and clattered on the floor.
Australian politicians are usually known for more colorful language, whether it's a lawmaker threatening to kill Johnny Depp's pet dogs or aggressively "shirtfront" Vladimir Putin over the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 over Ukraine.
The expression 'to shirtfront' someone (confront head-on), adopted by certain politicians in 2014, originated in: ice-hockey; rugby leage; australian rules football; or ten-pin bowling?
In car bumper stickers and as shirtfront logo, EDsa1992 was the first hint that then Defense Secretary Fidel Ed V.
The Colt hangs unshifting alongside my ribcage, instantly accessible through the shirtfront with the second-from-the-top button undone.
The Australian National Dictionary Centre has declared "shirtfront" as Australia's word of the year.
Other byproducts of both the Beijing and Brisbane summits were some usefully clear messages to Russian President Vladimir Putin regarding the unacceptability of his Ukraine adventures (though Abbott's message was more diplomatic than the "shirtfront" entertainment he promised); accelerated bilateral agreements (for example, a long-awaited Australia-China free trade treaty); and a deserved boost for Obama, following his party's midterm election drubbing a few days earlier.