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n. pl. shim·mies
1. Abnormal vibration or wobbling, as of the wheels of an automobile.
2. A dance popular in the 1920s, characterized by rapid shaking of the body.
3. A chemise.
intr.v. shim·mied, shim·my·ing, shim·mies
1. To vibrate or wobble abnormally.
2. To shake the body in or as if in dancing the shimmy.
3. To shinny. See Usage note below.

[Perhaps from shimmy, alteration of chemise.]
Usage Note: The shimmy is a dance that was popular in the 1920s and is characterized by rapid shaking of the body. To shimmy means "to shake the body in or as if in dancing the shimmy." Shimmy, possibly an alteration of the word chemise, has no etymological connection to the similar-sounding verb shinny, meaning "to climb by gripping and pulling alternately with the hands and legs." Recently, however, the verb shimmy has been used to describe the action of shinnying. In addition to their similarity in sound, the motions described by both verbs involve back-and-forth movements of the body. It's understandable, then, how this new sense of shimmy arose, and it has gained marginal acceptance by our Usage Panel. In our 2015 survey, 53 percent of the Panelists accepted the sentence Tania shimmied up the tree and picked some apples. Interestingly, only 66 percent of the Panelists accepted the use of shinny in the same sentence, suggesting that there remains confusion even among wordsmiths over which is the most appropriate word choice to describe this type of climbing. However, when it comes to the use of shinny (traditionally "to climb") in place of shimmy (traditionally "to dance"), the Panelists are resolute in holding to the traditional meanings, with 97 percent finding the use of shinny in the sentence The couple shinnied on the dance floor to the samba music unacceptable.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




n, pl -mies
1. (Dancing) an American ragtime dance with much shaking of the hips and shoulders
2. (Automotive Engineering) abnormal wobbling motion in a motor vehicle, esp in the front wheels or steering
3. (Clothing & Fashion) an informal word for chemise
vb (intr) , -mies, -mying or -mied
4. (Dancing) to dance the shimmy
5. to vibrate or wobble
[C19: changed from chemise, mistakenly assumed to be plural]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈʃɪm i)

n., pl. -mies, n.
1. an American ragtime dance marked by rapid shaking of the hips and shoulders.
2. excessive wobbling in the front wheels of a motor vehicle.
3. a chemise.
4. to dance the shimmy.
5. to shake, wobble, or vibrate.
[1830–40; back formation and resp. of chemise]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: shimmied
Gerund: shimmying

I shimmy
you shimmy
he/she/it shimmies
we shimmy
you shimmy
they shimmy
I shimmied
you shimmied
he/she/it shimmied
we shimmied
you shimmied
they shimmied
Present Continuous
I am shimmying
you are shimmying
he/she/it is shimmying
we are shimmying
you are shimmying
they are shimmying
Present Perfect
I have shimmied
you have shimmied
he/she/it has shimmied
we have shimmied
you have shimmied
they have shimmied
Past Continuous
I was shimmying
you were shimmying
he/she/it was shimmying
we were shimmying
you were shimmying
they were shimmying
Past Perfect
I had shimmied
you had shimmied
he/she/it had shimmied
we had shimmied
you had shimmied
they had shimmied
I will shimmy
you will shimmy
he/she/it will shimmy
we will shimmy
you will shimmy
they will shimmy
Future Perfect
I will have shimmied
you will have shimmied
he/she/it will have shimmied
we will have shimmied
you will have shimmied
they will have shimmied
Future Continuous
I will be shimmying
you will be shimmying
he/she/it will be shimmying
we will be shimmying
you will be shimmying
they will be shimmying
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been shimmying
you have been shimmying
he/she/it has been shimmying
we have been shimmying
you have been shimmying
they have been shimmying
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been shimmying
you will have been shimmying
he/she/it will have been shimmying
we will have been shimmying
you will have been shimmying
they will have been shimmying
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been shimmying
you had been shimmying
he/she/it had been shimmying
we had been shimmying
you had been shimmying
they had been shimmying
I would shimmy
you would shimmy
he/she/it would shimmy
we would shimmy
you would shimmy
they would shimmy
Past Conditional
I would have shimmied
you would have shimmied
he/she/it would have shimmied
we would have shimmied
you would have shimmied
they would have shimmied
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.shimmy - an abnormal wobble in a motor vehicle (especially in the front wheels); "he could feel the shimmy in the steering wheel"
wobble - an unsteady rocking motion
2.shimmy - a woman's sleeveless undergarmentshimmy - a woman's sleeveless undergarment  
shoulder strap, strap - a band that goes over the shoulder and supports a garment or bag
undergarment, unmentionable - a garment worn under other garments
3.shimmy - lively dancing (usually to ragtime music) with much shaking of the shoulders and hips
social dancing - dancing as part of a social occasion
Verb1.shimmy - tremble or shake; "His voice wobbled with restrained emotion"
vibrate - shake, quiver, or throb; move back and forth rapidly, usually in an uncontrolled manner
2.shimmy - dance a shimmy
dancing, terpsichore, dance, saltation - taking a series of rhythmical steps (and movements) in time to music
trip the light fantastic, trip the light fantastic toe, dance - move in a pattern; usually to musical accompaniment; do or perform a dance; "My husband and I like to dance at home to the radio"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


[ˈʃɪmɪ] N
1. (= dance) → shimmy m
2. (Aut) (= vibration) → vibraciones fpl
3. (= chemise) → camisa f (de mujer)
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


nShimmy m
visich schieben; (= dance the shimmy)den Shimmy tanzen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in classic literature ?
An' his prophesyin' to our Colonel, sitting on my bed with his little shimmy torn open showing his white skin; an' the prophecy comin' true!
Choreographers will teach 14 novice couples how to shake and shimmy ahead of the glitzy event at the five-star Ingliston Country Club and Hotel.
After draining a tough triple to tie the game at 59 in the third quarter of Game 5, the Houston Rockets' ultra-competitive star guard did a shimmy in front of Curry, who was grinning as he walked away from the scene.
Press, shimmy, press to the ground as they wait for afternoon rains.
When she is chosen to be a part of Dana Sajalas prestigious shimmy dance team, Lila is thrilled for the chance of lifetime.
But the "Shimmy, a chocolate bar of your choice, like a Mars Bar or Bounty, blended with scoops of Cornish ice-cream to make a calorie-boggling thick shake.
Shimmy was just skin and bones when the moggy and her eight-day-old kittens were found in a outhouse in the Lickey Hills on January 10.
Nosewheel began to shimmy on takeoff roll at around 50 knots; takeoff aborted at around 80 knots.
Waze & Odyssey are playing at The Shimmy at Saint Judes in Glasgow, also on Friday.
With its diamante lid, Nails Inc couture nail polish looks as good on the outside as it does on the inside | Shimmy shimmy shake...
Pena Doll said that the shimmy done in dry weather could remove pollen or dirt from their feathers similar to the way a wet shake removes water.