

(Biology) resembling the empty shell of a mollusc
slang an ear (esp in the phrase a word in your shell-like)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Referee Peter Bankes stood off and took a good look at the melee which followed, as is the modern trend, then decided the only action needed was a stern word in the shell-likes of Brown and Lee Cattermole.
Referee Peter Bankes stood off and took a good look at the melee that followed, as is the modern trend, then decided the only action needed was a stern word in the shell-likes of Brown and Lee Cattermole.
I hope that Garry Monk will be having a stern word in their shell-likes for letting him run 50 metres.
I know there's a tendency to get overexcited by 22 people kicking a ball around on a field, but as I heard some of the historical tales about what has happened off the pitch on Derby Days gone by, I truly couldn't believe my shell-likes.
Protesters still bent her shell-likes over her fur-lined coat, though...
Little wonder North Wales' chief constable Richard Brunstrom suggested he might be sending the boys round to a few MPs' homes or offices to have a word in their shell-likes about their pilfering ways.
Thanks to five differentsized buds they'd even fit his supersized shell-likes.
Unless there's good reason to believe the call is from a crank, normal practice in these circumstances is for stewards' secretaries to have words in the appropriate shell-likes to make sure the horse in question is not only trying for his life but seen to be doing so.
If those in charge of our jails cannot see that, then it is time Prisons minister Gerry Sutcliffe has a word in their shell-likes.
Venue: Anthony is a big hit at the Fubar; Dancer: Anthony, circled, with troupe; Shell-likes: Big Brother babe tells us her opinions of housemates
No, the shell-likes he sought out belonged to referee Phil Joslin.
Nor did Ascari's generation have team chaps whispering advice and updates into their shell-likes; the only chap whispering to them was Old Man Death.