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n. Offensive
A transgender person who was born male and has developed female secondary sex characteristics, such as enlarged breasts, from hormone therapy but has not undergone sex-change surgery.

[Earlier colloquial English she-male, female : she + male (on the model of female).]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Peoples) informal a male-to-female transsexual
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Shazia Batool, an artist hailing from Balochistan, national footballer Karishma Ali and first she-male news anchor Marvia Malik have also been selected for membership of the youth council.
President She-male Rights Association Almas Bobi, while talking to The Express Tribune, claimed that despite apex court orders it's the 'pathetic approach' of database authority officials that made the processing of transgender persons national identity cards a cumbersome procedure and given this situation transgender usually do not prefer to get gender-specific ID card.
Nadeem Kashish, 35, a transgender woman who is the leader of Pakistan's She-Male Association for Fundamental Rights, said she had endured ridicule and violence as an effeminate child and the humiliation of performing as an oddity in a circus as a teenager.
Speaking at a press conference at Peshawar Press Club (PPC) on Tuesday, the transgender unanimously made Laila as an Acting president of the she-male association and announced elections among them after upcoming holy month of Ramadan.
"I got called she-male," says Ash, who had a breakdown and suicidal thoughts at the age of seven, leading to her mum moving the family 100 miles away.
In that sea of tranquility between his cohabitations with a she-male named Rachel and the performance artist Laurie Anderson, the late Lou Reed wed Sylvia Morales, who seems to have had a benign domestic influence on the notoriously prickly Reed.
As women increasingly take on nontraditional roles in the work, force and raise weanlings without the support of men, while still seeking academic excellence, the term female is being re-formulated as "she-male." Over the last four decades, women's inexorable pursuit of gender equity has abraded the sedimentary structure of male-dominated social strands.
Pakistan, June 4 -- Even if half of the allegations levelled by the head of the oddly-named 'She-male Association of Pakistan', (eunuch) Almas Bobby were partly correct, the staff of the already chaotic Faqirabad police station probably owes a clarification to the general public of Peshawar with whom it has been fooling around by pretending to be the self-styled guardians of morality.
15 (ANI): Twenty one government officials in the Chinese province of Sichuan have come under trouble for allegedly using public money to pay for a she-male show in Thailand five years ago.
The would-be politician has his mind on other things, however, when he's forced to end things with she-male Carmelita.
More recently, lesbian feminists such as Janice Raymond in The Transsexual Empire: The Making of the She-Male (1979) have harshly condemned transsexualism as a dangerous product of the patriarchy: transsexual women were fakes trying to usurp female power, and male transsexuals were victims defecting to male chauvinism.