shave foam

Related to shave foam: shaving cream

shave foam

n (US) → Rasierschaum m
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L'Oreal Men Expert Skin Caring Shave Foam I really liked the cracking lemony scent and large disc dispenser.
The range includes: Slick Stubble Shave Gel (pounds 2.99), Off Your Face Scrub (pounds 3.65) and Beard Busting Shave Foam (pounds 2.99).
The best foam to help ease the burn of razor rash is LANCOME'S SMOOTHING SHAVE FOAM. Great for sensitive skins, this rich foam cools skin and calms the burn from wet shaving.
Men often strip the skin of too much lubrication with harsh soaps and alkaline shave foams, and then tend not to replace it, resulting in dry,irritated, sensitive and flaky skin.''
Sally Penford, from the International Dermal Institute, said: ``Men often strip the skin of too much lubrication with harsh soaps and alkaline shave foams, and then tend not to replace it, resulting in dry, irritated, sensitive and flaky skin.''
A unique blend of exotic and essential oils is used instead of messy shave foams or gels to deliver a super-close, trouble-free shave.