

lacking intellectual or mental depth or subtlety; superficial
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Those who attended the training said the trainers were so shallow-minded and did not allow anyone to ask real questions.
In the region, some shallow-minded people may have been swept away by the goings on of the Kardashians, some of whom had paid a visit here at one time or another.
This also shows how shallow-minded politicians are as they lack in vision, leadership even, and all they want is to settle their accounts for today, disregarding the needs of those in the future.
Some people are still very shallow-minded that they use Grace as a means to attack your candidacy.
Speaking at the opening, Dodik called the trial "humiliating" and said those who fail to understand why Karadzic is hailed this way are "shallow-minded".
Most probably, the Turkish Islamists believe that Western politicians are shallow-minded guys who don't get the point of their pragmatic moves.
The Israelis are a very special people because they know how to live in the present and make this present worth living, while the West has drained its peoples' souls and made their lives meaningless, with only shallow-minded hedonism and materialism remaining.
Yet it would be all to easy for shallow-minded television executives to amuse themselves focusing on just a few members of some of our most deprived communities.
"Our minds are mature and will not sink to the level of the shallow-minded", he stressed after the severe criticism that Hilal made against him.
Though bad leadership has blighted the prospects of certain parts of Africa, it is shallow-minded to tar everyone with the same brush.
Shallow-minded people will love fishing West Central waters this month.
THE letter from F C Osborne (Mail, December 31) calling me a "shallow-minded smart alec" is both incorrect and totally senseless!