sedimentation tank

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Related to sedimentation tank: aeration tank

sedimentation tank

(Building) a tank into which sewage is passed to allow suspended solid matter to separate out
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References in periodicals archive ?
In a Secondary Sedimentation Tank, activated sludge masses formed in the reaction tank are precipitated for three to four hours, resulting in the separation of a supernatant (treated water) and sludge.
Flow Patterns in a Rectangular Sewage Sedimentation Tank.In: 1st International Conference on Water Pollution Research.
The mill had to make white water from PM 2's sedimentation tank suitable for use with high-pressure (HP) showers equipped with fine orifice nozzles as small as 0.6 mm.
PRIMARY SEDIMENTATION TANK Wastewater flow slows down and suspended solids (undissolved waste) sink to the tank's bottom.
[26] studied the effects of the position and height of the baffle in a secondary sedimentation tank by placing the baffle at three different positions and various heights, qualitatively.
[1] studied the effects of the position and height of the baffle ([theta] = 90 in a secondary sedimentation tank by the bottom inlet by placing the baffle at three different positions and various heights, qualitatively.