secretory phase

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Related to secretory phase: menstrual phase, Proliferative phase
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Noun1.secretory phase - the second half of the menstrual cycle after ovulation; the corpus luteum secretes progesterone which prepares the endometrium for the implantation of an embryo; if fertilization does not occur then menstrual flow begins
menstrual cycle - a recurring cycle (beginning at menarche and ending at menopause) in which the endometrial lining of the uterus prepares for pregnancy; if pregnancy does not occur the lining is shed at menstruation; "the average menstrual cycle is 28 days"
phase, stage - any distinct time period in a sequence of events; "we are in a transitional stage in which many former ideas must be revised or rejected"
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References in periodicals archive ?
LH surge causes ovulation and during secretory phase causes luteinisation of granulosa cells to secrete progesterone, which helps in the formation and maintenance of corpus luteum.
BT was least around the Ovulatory Phase or mid-cycle, and it increases during secretory phase [Table 1].
In the secretory phase, glandular cells show an increase in cell size and microvacuolation.
Some studies showed infertility as the most common indication for endometrial biopsy and secretory phase endometrium as the commonest morphologic pattern encountered [3].
In total, 13 cases (68.4%) had dysmenorrhea, 13 cases (68.4%) were in the proliferative phase, and 6 cases (31.6%) were in the secretory phase. The EM stages were determined according to the revised American Fertility Society Classification, and there were 5 cases (26.3%) of Stage I–II and 14 cases (73.7%) of Stage III–IV.
An immunohistochemical analysis in the non-pregnant endometrium shows increases of endometrial [CD56.sup.+] NK cells during the secretory phase (alleged time of implantation).
In our study, predominant number of patients in the age group 36-45 years showed normal physiological changes such as proliferative and secretory phase patterns.
the level of proliferating phase is significantly higher than that of secretory phase, and the ERa level is remarkably higher than that of ERb.
Morphological changes in endometrium of infertile women included; secretory phase in 102(63.75%), disordered proliferative endometrium in 28(17.5%), irregular maturation endometrium in 11(6.8), proliferative endometrium in 8(5%) complex hyperplasia in 6(3.7%), simple hyperplasia in 3(1.8%) and discordance between glands and stroma in 2(1.2%) cases.
Estrogen affects the proliferative phase whereas progesterone is responsible for the secretory phase of menstrual cycle.