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Related to scutellum: coleoptile


n. pl. scu·tel·la (-tĕl′ə)
1. Zoology A shield-shaped sclerite on the mesothorax of certain insects, posterior to the scutum.
2. Botany Any of several shield-shaped structures, such as the cotyledon of a grass.

[New Latin scūtellum, from Latin, diminutive of scūtum, shield; see scutum.]

scu·tel′lar (-tĕl′ər) adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


n, pl -la (-lə)
1. (Zoology) the last of three plates into which the notum of an insect's thorax is divided
2. (Zoology) one of the scales on the tarsus of a bird's leg
3. (Botany) an outgrowth from a germinating grass seed that probably represents the cotyledon
4. (Biology) any other small shield-shaped part or structure
[C18: from New Latin: a little shield, from Latin scūtum a shield]
scuˈtellar adj
scutellate, scutellated adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(skyuˈtɛl əm)

n., pl. -tel•la (-ˈtɛl ə)
1. Bot. the shieldlike cotyledon of certain monocots.
2. Zool. a small plate, scale, or other shieldlike part, as on the thorax of insects or the feet of birds.
[1750–60; < New Latin, < Latin scūt(um) shield (see scute)]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Scutellum yellow, junction of dorsal and posterior surfaces rounded (Fig.
In sagittal view, the plumule is ensheathed and covered by the coleoptile, a protective leafy structure which appears to have two lips, the 'upper' or left coleoptile lip, on the adaxial side of the plumule axis, is closer to the scutellum, and a 'lower' or right lip, on its abaxial side is closer to the root primordium (Figs.
Thorax brownish red; pronotum brown, hexagonal, with a median carina strongly marked; pronotum with anterior margin straight, lateral-anterior margins straight, lateral posterior margin slightly sinuous, posterior margin grooved; scutellum brownish with slight central concavity, tegmina castaneous, apical plexus of veins developed; hindwings hyaline with brownish venation, vein Cu1 not thickened at base; legs brownish red; metathoracic tibia with two lateral spines (basal spine equal in size to spines in apical crown; apical spine larger than spines in apical crown); apical crown of spines on tibia consisting of two rows; basitarsus with three rows of spines covered by long setae; subungueal process present and triangular.
They named it "scutoid" as the structure was very similar to scutellum or the posterior of some insect's midsection.
The subgenus Serratoparagus have double band of hairs on the eyes and scutellum with distinct teeth on the posterior margin, while subgenus Afroparagus includes Afrotropical species (Vujic et al., 2008).
We believe these 2 beetles are a new species and that they belong to this genus given their ventrally displaced pronotal lateral carinae (separate from pronotal hind-angle carina), anteriorly emarginate scutellum, closed mesocoxal cavities simple tarsi, and tarsal claws.
Polymorphs with number of elytral spots varying from few to 13 spots, commonly six along with one spot on the mid-dorsal line of junction of elytra near the scutellum (Fig.
Pronotum elongate, distinctly narrower than elytral base, widest in middle; with deep constriction in anterior anterior and posterior margins straight, lateral margins weakly rounded, anterior margin narrower than posterior margin; pronotal punctures round, dense and large (slightly smaller than elytral punctures); distance between adjacent punctures distinctly smaller than diameter of puncture; intervals convex; scutellum minute, subtriangular.
Scutellum dark red-brown, largely apruinose except for two dull gold pruinose areas anteriorly, fine pale yellow setose (apical macrosetae poorly differentiated).
Scutellum derived callus induction and subsequent regeneration has been successfully exploited for a number of grasses including wheat (He and Lazzeri, 2001), maize (Abebe et al., 2008, Frame et al., 2011), bentgrass (Lee et al., 2011), sudan grass (Gupta et al., 2004), Bermudagrass (Chaudhury and Qu, 2000), Brachypodium distachyon (Bablak et al., 1995) sorghum (Sairam et al., 2000), barley (Sharma et al., 2005), oat (Gless et al., 1998), rye (Eapen et al., 1981), Pearl millet (Vasil and Vasil, 1981) and rice (Khan and Maliga, 1999; Saharan et al., 2004; Bano et al., 2005; Toki et al., 2006).