scouring powder


scouring powder

[ˈskaʊrɪŋpaʊdəʳ] Nlimpiador m (en polvos), quitagrasas m inv (en polvo)
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005

scouring powder

[ˈskaʊərɪŋˌpaʊdəʳ] ndetergente m in polvere
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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TGI Distri Limited is the sales, distribution and marketing arm of TGI Group Companies' Consumer Products and is the marketer of Terra Seasoning Cubes, Big Bull Parboiled Rice, Renew Starch, Shine All Dishwashing Liquid, Shine All Scouring Powder and many other notable Brands.
The soft moss of pink and yellow scraped off stones, crumbled and dried could make a marvel when combined with resin and Ray." But most startling of all, was Ray's choice to use the commercial scouring powder Vim to add the necessary chalky whiteness on his canvases.
They actually specialised in bicycle oils, "Vasoleum", assorted lubricants and scouring powder. For whatever reason, company manager Wilfrid Hill asked his chemists to make a hair cream "for mature men".
Recipes are provided for everything from hardwood floor cleaners and laundry whiteners to scouring powder and blind cleaners, and pack in a truly impressive collection of specific solutions to common cleaning problems: solutions that are versatile, 'green', and easier than their toxic alternatives.
donny's top tip For all you smokers who have discoloured your paving with tobacco and ash stains, wash the area with a mixture of scouring powder and household bleach.
Dr Ken Harris of Riveredge Cosmetic Dentistry in Newcastle and Sunderland is concerned about the dangers facing people looking for a teeth whitening 'quick fix' - including those who have even tried using kitchen scouring powder and liquid toilet cleaner.
A cleaning crew used scouring powder and abrasive pads to clean washroom fixtures, damaging the plastic windows over the fixtures' sensors.
Scrub away rust with a solution of water and scouring powder, NSN 7930-01-294-1116.
Baking soda is your scouring powder; you can use it dry, or mix it with a little water to make a paste.
It was just the first of a string of daft ditties in which Shuttleworth questioned everything from consumerism to why tins of Vim scouring powder, whose disappearance from the supermarkets shelves he felt was lamentable, looked like Kaleidoscopes.
MAKE your own scouring powder by mixing a cup of salt with a cup of bicarbonate of soda.
To avoid such events, improve our health and be kinder to the environment, Jackie Dryer, who runs the 'Housekeeping without Chemicals' course, says it's high time to stop pouring bleach down the sinks and filling up the bath with harsh scouring powder. It's just not necessary, says Jackie.