scat singing

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Noun1.scat singing - singing jazz; the singer substitutes nonsense syllables for the words of the song and tries to sound like a musical instrument
singing, vocalizing - the act of singing vocal music
jazz - a genre of popular music that originated in New Orleans around 1900 and developed through increasingly complex styles
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She was noted for her purity of tone, impeccable diction, phrasing, intonation, and a "horn-like" improvisational ability, particularly in her scat singing. In her lifetime, she won 13 Grammy Awards and sold over 40 million albums.
The virtuoso trumpeter surprised the audience also with piano performance, percussion, as well as breathtaking scat singing (vocal improvisation).
Dame Cleo, famed for her scat singing style, has enjoyed a career that has spanned more than six decades.
In what sort of music might you hear scat singing? 25.
Bubblingly energetic writing for voice and piano, even including in the final Harlem Night Song a chorus of reimagined scat singing.
She is known in the jazz world for her range, sense of humor and mastery of scat singing.
"When I was eight I was obsessed with Ella Fitzgerald and wanted to learn her vocal style and scat singing.
As the leading edge of research in vocal pedagogy and health, the organization had a duty to extend its reach to the questions of vocal performance unique to those styles: from diction in jazz scat singing to vocal health of the 'roaring' blues singer (think Koko Taylor) or the rock singer who includes high frequency 'squeals' (think Stephen Tyler) to matters of technique for the gospel singer soloing up and down the scales; and on and on."
He was also skilled at scat singing (vocalizing using sounds and syllables instead of actual lyrics).
This soulful Baritone singer also mixes in poppy scat singing, inventive beatboxing and Zen-inspired lyrics that earnestly trace the mysteries of life and love.
The opening song on Balasanov's 2008 debut begins with splashy jazz drums, standup bass and scat singing, before wrapping itself in an other worldly percussive melody that sounds like tweezers drumming on tiny pipes.