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Related to scandalise: scandalous


Past participle: scandalised
Gerund: scandalising

I scandalise
you scandalise
he/she/it scandalises
we scandalise
you scandalise
they scandalise
I scandalised
you scandalised
he/she/it scandalised
we scandalised
you scandalised
they scandalised
Present Continuous
I am scandalising
you are scandalising
he/she/it is scandalising
we are scandalising
you are scandalising
they are scandalising
Present Perfect
I have scandalised
you have scandalised
he/she/it has scandalised
we have scandalised
you have scandalised
they have scandalised
Past Continuous
I was scandalising
you were scandalising
he/she/it was scandalising
we were scandalising
you were scandalising
they were scandalising
Past Perfect
I had scandalised
you had scandalised
he/she/it had scandalised
we had scandalised
you had scandalised
they had scandalised
I will scandalise
you will scandalise
he/she/it will scandalise
we will scandalise
you will scandalise
they will scandalise
Future Perfect
I will have scandalised
you will have scandalised
he/she/it will have scandalised
we will have scandalised
you will have scandalised
they will have scandalised
Future Continuous
I will be scandalising
you will be scandalising
he/she/it will be scandalising
we will be scandalising
you will be scandalising
they will be scandalising
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been scandalising
you have been scandalising
he/she/it has been scandalising
we have been scandalising
you have been scandalising
they have been scandalising
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been scandalising
you will have been scandalising
he/she/it will have been scandalising
we will have been scandalising
you will have been scandalising
they will have been scandalising
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been scandalising
you had been scandalising
he/she/it had been scandalising
we had been scandalising
you had been scandalising
they had been scandalising
I would scandalise
you would scandalise
he/she/it would scandalise
we would scandalise
you would scandalise
they would scandalise
Past Conditional
I would have scandalised
you would have scandalised
he/she/it would have scandalised
we would have scandalised
you would have scandalised
they would have scandalised
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.scandalise - strike with disgust or revulsionscandalise - strike with disgust or revulsion; "The scandalous behavior of this married woman shocked her friends"
churn up, sicken, disgust, nauseate, revolt - cause aversion in; offend the moral sense of; "The pornographic pictures sickened us"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
يَصْدُم، يُثير الإشْمِئْزاز


(ˈskӕndl) noun
1. something that is considered shocking or disgraceful. The price of such food is a scandal.
2. an outburst of public indignation caused by something shocking or disgraceful. Her love affair caused a great scandal amongst the neighbours; They kept the matter secret, in order to avoid a scandal.
3. gossip. all the latest scandal.
ˈscandalize, ˈscandalise verb
to shock or horrify. Their behaviour used to scandalize the neighbours.
ˈscandalous adjective
1. shocking or disgraceful.
2. (of stories etc) containing scandal.
ˈscandalously adverb
in a disgraceful way.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in periodicals archive ?
He said as a result he was prepared to take 'immediate action to the full extent of the law against anyone I believe their conduct constitutes a contempt of court, an effort to scandalise the Court or to prevent the course of justice.
They also sought information about the number of complaints dismissed by the council for being false and frivolous with attempts to scandalise the superior judiciary.
A new advertorial by the Chinese brand of coconut milk has managed to scandalise customers with an advertisement, that implies drinking the beverage will help increase a womenaACAOs bosom size.
class="MsoNormalRIGHT TO INSULT class="MsoNormalIn law, however, you have absolutely no right to insult, to libel and to scandalise your political and other rivals and, for that matter, anybody else, Kenyan or foreigner.
'We have closely examined the two transcripts of speeches made by the alleged contemnor and apparently found that such utterances of the alleged contemnor amounted to contempt of court and an attempt to scandalise the court or bring the court or a judge of the court into hatred or ridicule within the meaning of Article 204 of the Constitution.
The Supreme Court bench had observed that Daniyal Aziz had "committed to scandalise the court".
The Supreme Court bench had observed that Daniyal Aziz had 'committed to scandalise the court'.