

a bird mentioned in Shakespeare's The Tempest
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
With an eye toward openings in members' already busy calendars and with the financial blessing of the South Central Academic Medical Libraries Consortium (SCAMeL), organizers opted to schedule the retreat concurrently with SCC/MLA's annual conference so that the cost of registration and lodging would already be borne by attendees' home institutions.
The Kin's artefacts, crammed in a relatively small upstairs room at the Whitechapel, make for a rather claustrophobic experience, though the artefacts even in their names create a mysterious world: the Kinlog, the Bok Scamel, the Skald, the Kist; the Kistbearer's tabard.
Fijado el modelo iniciamos esta investigacion usando el metodo etnografico en sentido amplio (Scamel y Alaszewski, 2012: 185).
Its songs echo Irish tunes, and its vocabulary, including works like "scamel" and "gabble," can be traced to the Irish vernacular.
The South Central Academic Medical Libraries consortium (SCAMeL), of which MSL is a member, was selected as the sample.
Understanding the factors affecting SCAMeL institutions' selection of EBM POC tools could have been valuable.