scabbard fish

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scabbard fish

(Animals) any of various marine spiny-finned fishes of the family Trichiuridae, esp of the genus Lepidopus, having a long whiplike scaleless body and long sharp teeth: most common in warm waters
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Stroll through the markets and spot local delicacies such as black scabbard fish, or visit a Blandy's Wine Lodge, where visitors can learn the art of Madeira making, where they have one of the oldest and rarest collections in the country.
I then tried the local delicacy, scabbard fish with banana, again a peculiar combination but surprisingly yummy.
Popular fish dishes include Black scabbard fish, Blue Fin Tuna, White Marlin, Blue Marlin, Albacore, Big Eye Tuna, Wahoo and Spearfish.
Another speciality is the espada (scabbard fish) which is caught at night from the deep waters off the island and available in most restaurants, either with banana or passion fruit.
Espada is a delicacy, an ugly black scabbard fish which luckily tastes better than it looks.
Nearby is the fish market, where I held my nose and inspected the day's catch, including specialities like lapas (limpets), chicharros (sardines) which they often serve fried, and scabbard fish, which is only caught there and in Japan and is a delicately flavoured white fish which melts in the mouth.