rural district

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rural district

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (in England and Wales from 1888 to 1974 and Northern Ireland from 1898 to 1973) a rural division of a county
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In all the rural district near about, and even in the town of Marshall, a mile away, not one person of unbiased mind entertains a doubt of it; incredulity is confined to those opinionated persons who will be called "cranks" as soon as the useful word shall have penetrated the intellectual demesne of the Marshall Advance.
They learned a great many notions about doctrine from him, so that almost every church-goer under fifty began to distinguish as well between the genuine gospel and what did not come precisely up to that standard, as if he had been born and bred a Dissenter; and for some time after his arrival there seemed to be quite a religious movement in that quiet rural district. "But," said Adam, "I've seen pretty clear, ever since I was a young un, as religion's something else besides notions.
She was born in a rural district of England, where life proceeds by rule of thumb and the unexpected is so very unexpected that when it happens it is looked upon as an immorality.
Rioting and mob-rule reigned throughout the rural districts. Day and night the smoke of burning farms, warehouses, villages, and cities filled the sky.
Not but what this is a very good tex for rural districts. ...
In early boyhood I tired of the teeming cities and overcrowded rural districts of Arizona.
Summary: Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) [India], Mar 26 (ANI): The Crime Branch-CID of the Tamil Nadu police, probing the Pollachi sexual assault case, has summoned Thendral Manimaran, son of DMK's Coimbatore rural district secretary Thendral Selvaraj.
Member of Parliament of constituency 105,Western Rural District, Hon.
Head of the rural district Atabekov Shuhrat Sheraliyev promised to resolve the problem in the near future.
RESIDENTS are invited to the first Kirklees Council Rural District Committee in Marsden on Thursday.
To the Editor: I was pleased to note the recent article and correspondence in the SAMJ dealing with the revival of rural district hospitals.

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