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1. the area or space between a bed and the wall
2. a receiving room for fashionable French ladies
3. a lane
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


 a 17th-century morning social gathering in the bedroom of a fashionable lady, 1676. See also levée.
Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
At the same time he turned round in his ruelle, the curtains of which, in falling, concealed the bed.
Ruelle Canino, who defeated Pang Kay Yan Eden of Singapore, likewise ended up with a second mint in the girls' U12 after she ruled the blitz a week back.
In [MS], we observe that combinatorial zeta functions whose determinant expressions are of the form 1/det(I-A) should be constructed as Ruelle zeta functions [R] for essentially finite dynamical systems defined for finite digraphs.
Plus etonnant, les prix varient d'un quartier a un autre et meme d'une ruelle a une autre.
They were largely filmed at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, making use both of the hotel's gardens and its beach, under the guidance of Christophe Ruelle, a top level sports coach.
Jeudi, tot le matin, une incroyable et immonde decouverte au eu lieu par les eboueurs d'une societe de collecte des ordures menageres dans une ruelle jouxtant le Lycee Aamrou Ibnou Alass au quartier Zoubier dans la prefecture de l'arrondissement de Hay Hassani a .
La ruelle des juifs, connue pour ses vendeurs de feux d'artifice et des crayons laser vert temoigne un afflux remarquable de clients, qui viennent y acheter ces crayons, mais ne les trouvent plus, comme confirment les vendeurs.
THE MATHEMATICIAN'S BRAIN: A Personal Tour through the Essentials of Mathematics and Some of the Great Minds behind Them DAVID RUELLE
This is generally Ruelle's method: take a subject that is covered in elementary math classes and explain its context--the way professional mathematicians see it.
Ryan O'Sullivan, Barbara McGreal, Helen Rooney, David Linklater, Helen Martin; Lisa Barge, Richard New, Natalie Burns; Kate Rodgers, Peter Brewer, Simon Trees, Nick Smith; Tony McDaid, Helen Ruelle; Mike Gilmour, Stephannie Slinn, Andy Appleyard, Michaela Heeley; Rebecca Warren, Barry Jervis, Stuart Love, Chris Onn; Justin Luckman, Alison Price, Rob Crawford, Gideon Frater, Andrew Watts
In his book, Mystery Falls Bridge, Ruelle describes it as "the most spectacular sinkhole I had yet seen--a rock-rimmed hole with a huge waterfall entering at the North and disappearing at the bottom." This particular sinkhole sported not one, but two, waterfalls.